Love(unrequited, romantic and friendship) Flashcards
Unrequited love example 1
“Love is a smoke made with the fumes of sighs…”(1.1.184)
Mourning rejection.
the metaphor suggests that love evaporates quickly like smoke.
Relates back to Romeo as he thought Rosaline loved her but her feeling left as soon as they came leaving him feeling cheated and deceived.
Unrequited love example 2
“Out of her favour where I am in love”.(1.1.165)-
Romeo is depressed because he’s in love with a woman whos unattainable.
love for Rosaline is harmless teenage infatuation that is focused on Romeo’s inner feelings.
Friendship love 1
“Compare her face with some I shall show, And I will make thee swan a crow.”(1.2.88-9)-
Benvolio attempts to shake Romeo out of his infatuation for Rosaline by suggesting that there for far more beautiful faces in Verona than Roslyn.
He uses a stark metaphor of women as stark birds of contrasting colours.
friendship love example 2
“If love be rough with you, be rough with love; Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down”(1.4.27-28)
Mercutio suggests to Romeo that he shouldn’t take love seriously and he should use it for sexual pleasure.
Likewise, the nurse, believes love is physical hence he tries exposing Romeo to his point of view.
The quote shows the contrasting personalities between the characters, Romeo the kind-hearted and lovesick Romeo whilst, Merucito is a playful, arrogant and anti romantic.
Romantic love example 1
“So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows”(1.5.47)-romeo
Romeo uses sybmolsim to contrast Juliet as the snowy dovee among the other trooping crows.
The white colour of the bird symbolizes purity and peace which are characteristics that are much needed in Verona due to the conflict between the Montagues and Capulets.
Romantic love example 2
“O, I have brought the mansion of love, but not possessed it and though I am sad, not yet enjoy’d.”(3.2.26-28)
Juliet is eager to consummate her marriage because it officially means that Romeo has taken ownership of her. juliet becomes his property which is of importance to her. Since their marriage, Juliet has made her identity as Romeo’s wife.