Love and relationships Poetry: just quotes Flashcards
A quote from ‘When we two parted’
-‘How should i greet thee?/With silence & tears’
-‘In secret we met/In silence I grieve’
-‘They know not I knew thee/ Who knew thee too well’
-‘Pale grew thy cheek and cold/ Colder thy kiss’
A quote from ‘Loves Philosophy’
-‘All things by a law divine’
-‘What is all this sweet work worth/If thou kiss not me?’
-‘And the moonbeams kiss the sea’
-‘‘And the waves clasp one another’
Quote from ‘Porhyria’s Lover’
-‘Nor could tonight’s gay feast restrain’
-‘And made her smooth white shoulder bare’
-‘She shut the cold out and the storm’
-‘Porphyria worshipped me’
-‘So glad it has it’s utmost will’
-‘Yet God has not said a word’
-‘Laughed the blues eyes without a tain’
Quotes from ‘Sonnet 29’
-‘I would not have my thoughts instead of thee’
-‘Rustle thy boughs and set thy trunk all bare’
-‘I think of thee! - my thoughts do twine and bud’
Quotes from ‘Neutral tones’
-‘The sun was white as though chidden of God’
-‘The smile on your mouth was the deadest thing’
-‘A few leaves lay on the starven sod’
Quotes from ‘Letters from Yorkshire’
-‘Our souls tap out messages across the icy miles’
-‘feeding words onto a blank screen’
-‘You out there, in the cold, seeing the seasons’
-‘Is your life more real because you dig and sow?’
Quotes from ‘Walking Away’
-‘How selfhood begins with a walking away,
And love is proved in the letting go’
-‘Like a satelite/ Wrenched from its orbit, go drifting away’
-‘Like a winged seed loosened from its parent stem’
Quotes from ‘The Farmer’s Bride’
-‘We chased her, flying like a hare’
-‘Three summers since I chose a maid’
-‘The brown of her- her eyes, her hair, her hair!’
Quotes from ‘Eden Rock’
-‘They are waiting for me somewhere beyond Eden Rock’
-‘Sky whitens as if lit by three suns’
-‘They beckon to me from the other bank’
-‘Her hair, the colour of wheat, takes on the light’
-‘Genuine Irish Tweed’
Quotes from ‘Follower’
-‘I stumbled in his nob-nailed wake’
-‘sometimes he rode me on his back’
-‘his shoulders globed like a full sail strung’
-‘i was a nuisance tripping and falling’
-‘it is my father who keeps stumbling’