Love and Relationships Flashcards
What is ‘anaphora’?
A word or phrase that is repeated at the start of neighbouring clauses for emphatic effect
What is the ‘andron’?
A room on the ground floor of a Greek house which was only used by the kyrios and his guests at the symposium
What is ‘apatheia’?
immunity to pain- this is the desired state of mind for a Stoic , to achieve this, a stoic must place reason above the natural desires of the body
What is an ‘apostrophe’?
A direct address to a third party to break up the narrative voice
What is an ‘arete?
virtue or goodness- this is a difficult concept to define, but it is central to several ancient Greek philosophies
What is an ‘asyndeton’?
A lack of conjunctions in a list to give the description intensity.
What was the ‘chorus’?
A number of performers singing together, which is a familiar feature of Greek drama. Choruses would also perform poems/songs at religious rituals or weddings
What does ‘cum manu’ mean?
with power- this denotes a marriage where the husband gained power over his wife
What is ‘dactylic hexamter’?
an ancient poetic metre in which a line consists of six metrical feet of similar lengths
What is didactic poetry?
Poetry which is intended to teach a lesson to its readers- instructional poetry
What was a ‘dowry’?
A financial agreement made between the families of the bride and groom
What are ‘elegiac couplets’?
an ancient poetic metre which consisted of just two adjacent lines; the first is a line of dactylic hexameter and the second is a shorter pentameter line , which tends to be indented when printed
Who was the ‘erastes’?
the adult in a pederastic relationship
Who was the ‘eromenos’?
The boy in a pederastic relationship
What was ‘eros’?
Sappho uses this word for ‘love’. She also uses the adjective and verb formed of this word .
What does ‘genre’ mean?
A type or kind of artwork into which many can be grouped