Love and Relationship Quotes Flashcards
burst, shattered, everywhere!
I think of thee sonnet 29
Exclamatives, shows dramatic
I do not think of thee- I am too near thee
sonnet 29
juxtaposes title, no longer thinking of each other, oxymoron,
I will not have my thoughts instead of thee
Refuses to think of anything else, except her love. True love, sonnet 29
My thoughts do twine and bud
Extended metaphor, her lover being a tree and her thoughts being a vine wrapped around him- sonnet 29
rustle thy bough
inevitable love between one another sonnet 29
When I return with my pinnie untied, the shoppers always point and cry
The always imply that this has happened on multiple occasions SS
Lemons are lime, bananas are plantain, this dirty little floor need a little bit of mop
he is careless of his work SS
repetition of my bride
repetition shows he cannot stop thinking about his wife SS
below your fingertips still pinch the last one-hundredth
The urge and desire of the mother to hold onto remaining pieces
Mother Any Distance
Anchor. Kite
Juxtaposing imagery. Oxymoron MAD
to fall or fly
Juxtaposition of words that show that he doesn’t know the future but still wants to leave and face the world head on. MAD
An expert
shows he admires his father Follower
But today it is my father who keeps stumbling behind me and will not go away
change in roles and responsibility Follower
I wanted to grow up and plough
shows admiration F
Before you were mine
possessive pronouns BYWM
The thought of me doesn’t occur
shows that she was an unexpected surprise BYWM
My hand in those high heeled red shoes, relics
shows that her mother never wore them again and the lack of freedom. BYWM
I wanted the bold girl winking in Portobello
Shows the theme of freedom being lost from her mother. BYWM