love and betrayal Flashcards
1.1 “an old black ram is tupping your white ewe!”
“making the beast with two backs”
Old =knowing abusing innocence, black = darkness, dirty,race?
Ram = horns like devil and forceful animalistic sex
Tupping = onomatopoeia makes it aggressive and shocking for desdomona.
White ewe = innocent female sheep, pure + white. Docile and easily led.
AO2 - This paints othello to be a beast using rough animal imagery + forceful plosive lang.
2.3 IAGO “She’s [desdomona] framed as fruitful as the free element: and then for her to win the moor, weren’t to renounce his baptism…his soul is so enfettered to her love
She is nurturing and gives aid
Othello is a new man, re birthed and so in love with desdomona
Connotations of her enslaving and chaining him to her
OTHELLO 1.3? “let him do his spite/… but that I love the gentle desdomona”
- First person to use desdomona’s name.
He speaks in a measured and controlled way which word shock audiences as the protagonist has been repeatedly insulted in 1.1 unlike other shakespeare plays. AO4
Othello is self possessed and calm under pressure.
He is the first male to not refer women as possession and talk about love.
1.3 OTHELLO“it is most true; true I have married her.”
AO2 - endstop – using a full stop mid stanza shows a clear definite statement and he is open, raw, honest and calm.
1.3 OTHELLO “send for the lady to the sagittary”
Not normal to ask the woman for her input. There is a level of respect proving their love is true.
1.3 OTHELLO “she’d [desdomona] come again and with a greedy ear devour up my discourse”
“she loved me for her dangers I had passed and I loved her that she did pity them”
Othello claims desdomona was interested in his life story
Desdomona was flirting with othello and she was hinting, he claims she loved him because she idolised her.
2.1 othello “O my fair warrior!”
Desdomona “my dear Othello!”
see each other as equals.
‘Warrior’ says she’s better than a man
AO2 - Fair + warrior juxtapose each other. She is more complex than a normal woman.
TAO2 - hey share a line of blank verse. they mirror each other and feel connected
Othello speaks in a measured and crafted way in blank verse unlike iago in prose and low-minded
3.3 OTHELLO “excellent wretch! … but i do love thee! And when i love thee not chaos is come again.”
Oxymoron used to show the confusion othello feels. Negative word in a sexual manner.
Proleptic irony when he doesn’t love her, chaos emerges
3.3 “for the fair devil”
AO2 - oxymoron , conflicting emotion. Links to earlier when she was a ‘fair warrior’. Is perception is completely deceived by iagos words
D: “it is not lost, but what an if it were?”
O: “how?”
D: “i say it is not lost”
O: “fetch’t let me see’t”
AO2 - Stichomythia is used. One line at a time. Increases the tension and quickens the pace.
3.4 OTHELLO “the handkerchief”
The constant repetition demonstrates othellos attempt to feel rational but he cant, he also interrupts her showing he has lost respect for desdemona.
4.1 iago: “will you think so?
Othello: “think so, iago?”
AO2 - Starts act in media res to heighten tension.
AO2 - Hemistichomythia = sharing one line of blank verse. Shows their unity, intuneness + iago has achieved his ultimate goal.
Links back to act 2.1 when othello + desdemona share a line “o my fair warrior…” the harmonious nature of their relationship is gone, replaced with iago.
4.1 OTHELLO “Ay, let her rot, and perish…O, the World hath not a sweeter creature”
“But yet the pity of it, iago - o, iago, the pity of it, iago!”
AO2 - Juxtaposition, ‘let her rot and peris’ vs ‘o the world hath not a sweeter creature’ shows he still feels something for her, the drip-feed hasn’t completely drowned him. He is confused and angry
The audience feels for othello sympathy and this indicate that it is a tragedy.
4.1 “I will chop her into messes! Cuckold me!”
“Lest her body and beauty unprovide my mind again”
Hideous, butchery, savagery.
He is completely changed, not the same moor breaking up fights in act 1.2
he wants to be cuckolded so he can kill her - not something he should want.
Social humiliation of cuckold. Punishment for ruining his rep and cheating on him - death. Patriarchal society.
AO2 - Plosive of ‘b’ emphasise his anger towards desdemona
4.1 OTHELLO “devil!”
[striking her]
This is public, once again like their relationship.
AO2 - The pace is unravelling distinct difference in their speech towards each other as desdemona is still niave.
AO3 - Shocking to both elizabethan and modern audiences. The build up of physical plans to hurt her have reached breaking point.