Lotfus and Palmer Flashcards
evaluation -methodology - independent group
P: + used independent group
E: L&P split the American university student into 5 groups for exp 1 and 3 groups for exp 2 . - reduce demand characteristics /
C: Difficult to control participant variable ,like memory ability, which could affect responses, making it hard to determine if the results were due to the questions or other factors. L : While using independent groups design helps to eliminate order effects, the lack of control over participant variables means that individual differences may still influence the results, which could affect the overall validity of the study.
Evaluation - methodology - sample
P: - Sample bias
Example: American students used in both experiments
Explanation: The results may only reflect the memory of young students, not older adults.
Link: The sample is not representative of the general population, limiting the ability to generalize the findings.
Evaluation - methodology - lab experiment.
Limitation: Lab experiment
Example: Participants watched videos of car crashes and were tested on their memory.
Counterpoint: The videos lacked the emotional impact and stress of real-life accidents.
Link: The artificial setting may not reflect real-world memory recall. In real accidents, heightened emotions could influence memory, reducing the study’s ecological validity.