LOTF Vocabulary 1 (2/17-2/21) Ch.1-3 Flashcards
“He was clambering heavily among the creepers and broken trunks when a bird, a vision of red and yellow, flashed upwards with a witch-like cry; and this cry was echoed by another.”
Climb, move, or get in and out of something in an awkward laborious way
She clambered over the short fence and onto the road, where she had to stop to regain her strength.
“The boy with fair hair lowered himself down the last few feet of rock and began to pick his way toward the lagoon”
An area of shallow water
Each island is surrounded by a reef enclosing a shallow lagoon.
“He took off his glasses and looked vainly for something with which to clean them.”
Without success, useless, producing no result
Let’s not let his death go in vain, and let’s give his death a purpose.
“Ralph called out in a quavering voice.”
Tremble or shake with a slightly rapid motion
When he saw his rival team his lip quivered because they were so much larger.
“Suddenly Piggy was a-bubble with decorous excitement.”
Proper, marked by good taste, polite an restrained
He held the wine glass in a decorous manner.
“The shell was interesting and pretty and a worthy plaything; but the vivid phantoms of his day-dream still interposed between him and Piggy, who in this context was an irrelevance.”
Placed or inserted between two items
He interposed himself between Jimmy and Jonah.
“The note boomed again: and then at his firmer pressure, the note, fluking up an octave, became a strident blare more penetrating than before.”
Loud and harsh
The strident blast of the cannons woke up everyone on the island.
To deliberately sink
“Their heads clustered above the trunks in the green shade; heads brown, fair, black, chestnut, sandy, mouse-colored; heads muttering, whispering, heads full of eyes that watched Ralph and speculated. Something was being done.”
To casually talk and make predications without solid evidence
He speculated that the Japanese were going to invade because they needed natural resources.
“The conch was silent, a gleaming tusk; Ralph’s face was dark with breathlessness and the air over the island was full of bird-clamor and echoes ringing.”
A loud and confused noise
There was a clamor in the basement and he went down to check, but never came back up.
“Now that the pallor of his faint was over, he was a skinny, vivid little boy, with a glance coming up from under a hut of straight hair that hung down, black and coarse.”
An extreme or unnatural paleness
One sign of high blood pressure was pallor or paleness.
“Piggy stood and the rose of indignation faded slowly from his cheeks.”
A feeling of righteous anger
She stormed out of the room, bristling with indignation.
“There was a jumble of the usual squareness, with one great block sitting out in the lagoon.”
Untidy collection or pile
His albums were all stacked in a jumble of laundry, books, and video games.
“This one, against which Jack leaned, moved with a grating sound when they pushed.”
Sounding unpleasant or annoying
The wheels were broken and made a grating notice when used.
“He stood now, warped out of the perpendicular by the fierce light of publicity, and he bored into the coarse grass with one toe.”
Bent, distorted, or pulled out
The painting seem to warp a face and looked like cubism as it appeared distorted.