Treasure Island, Swallows and Amazons, and Coral Island are mentioned in TLOTF, so they are ____ in the book.
LOTF is another name for….
A dynamic character in LOTFs is…
A static character in LOTF is…
The antagonist in the story is…
The character/force that the the main character has conflict with.
The Protagonist in the story is….
The main character which runs into the conflict.
A flat character is….
A character no one really knows about
A round character is…
The reader knows A LOT about them, and they are very COMPLEX
Indirect Characterzation
When a character says/does something to show what kind of character they are.
Direct Characterzation
When the AUTHOR gives specific detials/information about the character
“’I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak’” [says Simon]. This is an example of ..
INdirect Characterzation
“He was a skinny, vivid little boy, with a glance coming up from under a hut of straight hair that hung down, black and coarse.” This is an example of
Direct Characterzation
“He snatched his knife out of the sheath and slammed it into a tree trunk. Next time there would be no mercy…” This is an example of…
INdirect Characterzation
“The fat boy waited to be asked his name…” This is an example of…
Direct Characterzation
Because Jack and Ralph are total oppisites. They are _____ Characters
Ralph and the others are finally saved by….
A Navy Man
What is NOT a symbol
What two words best describe Jack
Determined and Savage
What does the symbol of the color pink mean in the text?(CONCH)
Beauty and Innocence
What color hair does SIMON have?
What is the symbol of the Conch shell?
To maintain order and leadership
which character can be marked as being completely innocent?
How do the Hunter’s external characteristics change throughout their time on the island?
Their hair grows out, they lose their clothes, and dye their bodies with paint
What is an example of maintaining order on the island?
Building shelters
Who is incharge of the hunters?
What is NOT an example of Chaos
Ralph deciding that the fire needs to go to the top of the mountain.
What do the boys mainly eat on the island?
How does simon show that he is a caring and respectful person?
He NEVER makes fun of Piggy and collects fruit for the Littlluns.
What are THREE words to describe Piggy?
Smart, Wise, and thoughtful
What is NOT an example of the boys acting innocent?
The hunters killing the first pig
Who is the author of LOTF?
William Golding
In the beginning of the story, who does Ralph think will come and save the boys?
His dad
Which character was raised by his auntie?
What is the symbol behind the LOTF?
The pig head symbolizes that the beast can never die because it lives inside each and every one of the boys.
Before some of the children arrive on the island, some hear about…
An Atomic Explosion
How are Jack and Ralph opposites of each other at the beginning of the story?
Jack- He repersents Chaos
Ralph-He repersents Leadership/order
The Mulberry-marked (Birthmark) boy….
Dies in a fire
Which character is strange, isolated, and often left alone?
Who was the first character to meet the rescuers?
Jack initally wants to be called…..
The term “creeper” is another name for..
Who says “YOU’LL get back alright”?
Who said, “We need meat”?
Initially who is incharge of the fire?
Jack and the Choir
How many shelters were actually built?
The LOTF speaks to…
Which character has fanting spells and bloody noses?
Where do Simons and Piggys bodies end up?
They end up in the ocean
Piggy suggests making a what?
The “Scar” on the island is the…
The result of the airplane crash.
Who kills Piggy?
Who says, “You’ll get back alright” ?
Who is the “dark boy” who seems quite evil?
Who is considered the social outcast in the LOTF?
One of Ralphs first job as a cheif is to…
Declare Jack as leader of the hunters.
What is the sign from the world of grownups?
A dead Paratrooper
Who said “My dads dead….and my mums…..”?
According to Golding(Author), Humans are generally what?