Los Susantiuos/Los Articuls Flashcards
For most of them spell all the words right on another sheet of paper
Ending in “O”
The boy
El chico
Ending in “A”
The girl
La chica
Ending in “Or”
The male driver
El conductor
Ending in “Ora”
The female doctor
La doctora
Ending in “itsa”
Can be Feminine or Masculine
The tourist (Fem)
La turista
The tourist (Male)
El tauiste
Ending in “ma”
The system
El sistema
The problem
El problama
Ending in “S”
The bus
El autobús
Ending in “ion”
The conversatión
La conversacion
Ending in “dad”
The community
La communidad
Día (male or fem)
Masculine (Because it is one of the exeptions)
Mano (male or fem)
Feminine (Because it is one of the exeptions)
The day
El día (ACCENT)
The hand
La mano
Foto (male or fem)
Feminine (Because it is one of the exeptions and it is short for “grapha” fotographa)
Mapa (male or fem)
Masculine (Because it is one of the exeptions)
The map
El mapa
The photo
La foto (La fotographa)
Los Plurrales
If your words end in vowels add s (a;e;i;o;u)
El chico+s
El chicos
La chica+s
La chicas
If your words in in constants add “es” Constants?
If your noun/word ends in “Z” (Add s or es?)
Still add “Es” (masc)
Los Articuls
Indefinite articals and Definte articals
Indefinite articals “Singular” (Male+Fem)
Male: Un (a)
Fem: una (a/an)
Indefinite articals “Plurrel” (Male+Fem)
Male: Unos (some/a few)
Fem: Unas (some/ a few)
Some pens
Unas plumas
A pen
Un lapiz
Definite artical “Singular” (Male+Fem)
Male: El (the)
Fem: La (the)
Definite artical “Plurrel” (Male+Fem)
Male: Los (the)
Fem: Las
A conversation (spelling in spanish, masc, fem, accents, etc)
Una conversación (Fem, sing)
A community
Una comunidad (Fem, sing)
A program
Un programa (Masc, sing)
A happiness
Una felicidad (Fem, sing)
The men
Los hombres (Masc, plur)
The notebooks
Los cuadernos (Masc, plur)
The lady
La seńora (Fem, sing)
Some women
Unas mujeres (Fem, plur)
Some parties
Unas fiestas (fem, plur)
The country
El país (masc, sing)
The suitcases
Las maletas (Fem, plur)
The school
The classroom
la escuela (fem, sing)
El clase
The students
Los estudiantes (masc, plur)
A chair
Una silla (fem, sing)
A problem
Un problema (masc, sing)
The number
El número (masc, sing)
The dictionary
El diccionario (masc, sing)
The small desks
A big desk
Los pupitres
Un escoritoro
Some folders/binders
Unas carpeta
The pen/feather
The pens
El pumla
Los bolígrafo
A notebook
Un cuderno
A paper (A piece of paper)
The paper (The piece of paper)
Un papel
El papel
A book
Un libro