Los profresionales y los servicios Flashcards
el/la enfermero/a
Make an appointment
Hacer una cita
I go to the doctor’s office
Voy a la consulta
Eddie goes to the medical clinic
Eddie va a la clínica
Nurse: “I’ll examine the patient (male)”
Le examino al paciente
Doctor: “I will give a medical prescription to you”
Le doy una receta
Take temperature
Tomarle la temperatura
Recetar medicamentos
Prescribe medications
Doctor: “I give you a shot”
Le pongo una inyección
Nurse: “I took the blood pressure of a patient last night”
Le tomé la presión del paciente anoche
Doctor: “I prescribed medications to 3 patients”
Receté medicamentos para tres pacientes
Doctor: “I took the temperature of a patient”
Le tomé la temperatura del paciente
¿Qué le pasó?
What happened to you?
What are your injuries?
¿Cuáles son sus heridas?
Doctor: “I’m going to prescribe pain killers to you”
Voy a recetarle los calmantes
Doctor: “I need to put a bandage on your right arm”
Necesito ponerle una venda en el brazo derecho
Doctor: “I’m going to stitch your leg”
Voy a suturarle la pierna
“The nurse will take a blood sample”
La enfermera le va a sacar una muestra de sangre
“I have to take an x-ray of your neck”
Tengo que sacarle una radiografía del cuello
Put on a bandage/band aid
Poner una venda/curita
To recommend
Doctor: “I recommend some rest”
Recomiendo el descanso
Doctor: “I advised an expectant mother to take vitamins and eat well”
Le aconsejé a una mujer embarazada tomar vitaminas y comer bien
To put on a cast
To suggest
To heal
Doctor: “I put on a cast of his right arm”
Le enyesé el brazo derecho
Nurse: “I want to heal your wounds”
Le quiero curar las heridas
Doctor: “I took an xray of a sprained ankle”
Le saqué una radiografía al torbillo torcido
“I tripped over a wheel chair”
Tropecé con una silla de ruedas
“I gave crutches to a patient that broke his leg”
Di muletas a un paciente que se rompió la pierna
“I put a band aid on my toes”
Me vendé de los dedos del pie
To advise
To heal
To say thanks
Dar las gracias
to say/tell
to send
to write
To send
To ask for
They put a cast on Teresa’s hand
Le enyesaron la mano a Teresa
The ache/pain
El dolor
To sneeze
To cough
To vomit/throw up