LordIfTheFlies-Ch1 Flashcards
Fulcrum (n.)
The point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots.
A thing that plays a central or essential role in an activity, event or situation.
Specious (adj.)
Superficially plausible, but actually wrong.
Misleading in appearance, misleadingly attractive
Matins (n.)
A service or morning prayer in various churches
The morning song of birds
Chorister (n.)
A member of the choir
A person who leads the singing of a church choir or congregation.
Dispersal (n.)
The action or process of distributing things or people over a wide area.
Defile (v.)
Sully (damage the purity or integrity of) , mar (disfigure), spoil
Desecrate or profane something sacred
Lodgments (n.)
A place in which a person or thing is located, deposited or lodged.
Loll (v.)
Sit, lie, or stand in a lazy, relaxed way.
Hang loosely; droop.
Decorous (adj.)
In keeping with good taste and propriety; polite and restrained.
Strident (adj.)
Loud and harsh; grating.
Presenting a [~controversial]point of view in ab excessively and unpleasantly forceful way.