Lord of the Flies - Characters Flashcards
JACK - becomes savage when hunting.
Jack ‘became less a hunter than a furtive thing, ape like.’ C3
JACK - creates a god like figure.
‘Jack painted and garlanded, sat their like an idol.’ C9
PIGGY - relies on the adult world and democracy.
‘With the martyred expression of a parent, he picked up the conch.’ C2
PIGGY - he fears savagery.
I know there isn’t no beast…but I know there isn’t no fear either.’ C5
PIGGY - even he can turn savage with fear.
‘It was dark…We was scared!’ C10
PIGGY - relies on democracy and needs to protect civilistaion to survive.
‘the white conch gripped in his hands.’ C8
SIMON - his innocence can’t become savage.
‘Simon became inarticulate in his effort to express mankind’s essential illness.’ C5
SIMON - he is at one with nature and is a Christ-like figure.
‘The water rose further and dressed Simon’s coarse hair with brightness.’ C9
SIMON - protects those beneath him.
‘Simon found for them the fruit they could not reach.’ C3
RALPH - his savagery is in him.
‘Ralph watched them [the two hunters] envious and resentful.’ C4
RALPH - needs to get back to civilisation.
'’Can’t you see? We ought to die before letting the fire out.’’ C5
RALPH - doesn’t want to lead on his own and needs other people.
‘Ralph walked in the rear, thankful to have escaped responsibility.’ C6
ROGER - is controlled by civilisation at first.
‘Roger…aimed, threw to miss.’ C4
ROGER - civilisation controls people even when they aren’t there.
‘Roger’s arm was conditioned by a civilisation that knew nothing of him and was in tatters.’ C4
ROGER - he want’s to sacrafice humans and is very tribal.
‘Roger sharpened a stick at both ends.’ C12
ROGER - he is the most savage person and ends up destroying civilisation.
‘Roger with a sense of delirious abandonment, leaned all his weight on the lever.’ C11