Lord of the Flies Flashcards
How has Jack’s personality develop during his stay on the island?
He’s turning savage
After Maurice and Roger destroy the littluns’ sand castles, Roger stalks the young boy named Henry. When he begins to throw stones, why does he only throw them near him instead of directly at him?
Still partially civilized
What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning to neglect it and allow it to go out
They believed they needed all of the hunters to catch a pig
Why does Jack paint his face? What might this represent?
To make himself savage, he doesn’t want to recognize himself as human
How have both Ralph and Jack changed by the end of chapter four?
Ralph understands rescue is important now, and Jack is becoming savage
How does the author show that Ralph is finally beginning to face the realities of existence?
He thinks he’s not a great leader
Compare Ralph’s treatment of the littluns with Jack’s.
Ralph is very calm and comforting while Jack is angry
Although Ralph criticizes the boys for their lack of cooperation, does he bear some of the responsibility for the failures of the group to achieve its goals? Why or why not?
I think it is kind of Ralph’s fault because he didn’t scold the boys when they ran off
What causes the hunters, who had promised to keep the fire burning, to neglect it and allow it to go out?
They believed they needed all of the hunters to catch a pig
Why does Jack paint his face? What might this represent?
To camouflage himself. This represents him becoming savage
How have both Ralph and Jack changed by the end of chapter four?
Ralph understands rescue is important and Jack is becoming savage
How does the author show that Ralph is finally beginning to face the realities of existence?
He thinks he’s not a great leader
Compare Ralph’s treatment of the littluns with Jack’s
Ralph is calm and comforting while Jack is angry and mean
What does Simon mean by saying he thinks the beast main be inside the boys themselves? How does this relate to the themes we have discussed?
They are afraid of each other, and there is no real beast.
What do Sam and Eric actually see, but believe to be the beast?
A dead parachuter
Why do Ralph and Jack decide to seek out the beast?
Because they want to calm everyone’s fears
In your opinion, why can adults run a functioning society, but the boy’s cannot?
They are not mature enough