Long Quiz Flashcards
A flowchart describes an existing process, often in a fairly _____.
simple form
Blueprinting is a more _____ of flowcharting and specified in detail how a service process is constructed.
complex form
Fail point can definitely _____ in the process.
delay steps
An ___ is an example of Self-service delivery points.
Service environments, also called _____, relate to the style and appearance of the physical surroundings and other experiential elements encountered by customers at service delivery sites.
Sensory costs relate to unpleasant sensations affecting any of the _____.
five senses
Spatial layout and functionality (including _____, size and shape of furnishing, counters, equipment).
floor plan
Boundary spanners often have _____ because of the position they occupy.
conflicting roles
This type of conflict where service employees have to choose between enforcing the company’s rules and satisfying customer demands is also called the _____.
two-bosses dilemma
Interpersonal skills tend to be generic across service jobs and include visual communications skills such as making eye contact, _____, understanding body language and facial expressions, and reading customers’ needs.
listening attentively
Nordstrom trains and trusts its employees to do the right thing and empowers them to do so. Its employee handbook has only one rule: “Use _____ in all situations.”
good judgment
People are motivated and satisfied when they know that they are doing a _____.
good job
Generally speaking, _____ who buy more frequently and in larger volumes are more profitable than occasional users.
heavy users
Gold accounts had a similar profile to platinum clients, except that they were _____ and more inclined to spread their budgets across several firms.
more price sensitive
Iron. These customers provide the _____.
bulk of the customer base
Lead. Customers in this tier tend to generate _____ for a firm but often require the same level of service as iron customers.
low revenues
Finally, the zone of affection is located at very _____, where customers have such high attitudinal loyalty that they do not look for alternative service providers.
high satisfaction levels
Hard lock-in strategies refer to switching costs that are created by having contractual penalties for switching, such as the _____ payable to some brokerage firms for moving shares and bonds to another financial institution.
transfer fees
The challenge for the service firm is to design SSTs to be as “_____” as possible.
idiot proof
Finally, some customers are motivated by _____.
altruistic reasons
Three dimensions of _____ in service recovery processes.
perceived fairness
Some service firms use poka-yokes to design frequently occurring _____ out of service processes and to ensure that certain steps or standards in the customer–staff interaction are followed.
service failures
Dangerous skiers are _____ who pose a danger to others and need to be policed.
rule breakers
In practice, every step in the process—both _____—has some potential for failures and delays.
front stage and back stage
Functionality refers to the _____ of service transactions.
ability to facilitate the performance
The front line is particularly important for the firm’s customers as well as its competitive positioning because it is _____.
a core part of the product
It starts with a detailed discussion of the _____, the service standards expected of cast members, and a comprehensive tour of Disneyland’s operations.
company history and philosophy
A complementary approach is to understand the drivers of customer defections (also called _____) and work on eliminating or at least reducing those drivers.
customer churn
Customer Responses to Service Failure: _____ (switch provider, spread negative word-of-mouth)
Take private action
It is important to give an _____ and to make an effort to resolve the problem.
explanation for the failure
The _____, of course, is to do it right the first time.
best strategy
The firm must have a _____ in the community as a place to work
good imaged firm
Many channels depend on the firm’s ability to _____ from all channels.
capture customer information
“Yokeru” means avoid (to _____).
Satisfaction is the _____ response.
customer’s fulfillment