Long Quiz Flashcards
The word sacrament comes from the Latin word ___________
Sacramentum is turn, a translation of the Greek word _________
Does not simply mean mystery but the “unfathomed saving action of God in Christ”
Are “efficacious signs of Grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church, by which Divine life is dispensed to us.”
Is effective and it communicates grace
There are seven (7) sacraments.
Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony.
Sacrament of Christian Initiation:
Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist
Sacrament of Healing:
Penance and Anointing of the Sick
Sacrament of Service/Mission:
Holy Orders and Matrimony
Three (3) Essential Elements of Sacraments:
The person administering the sacrament
The sensible element used for the sacrament
The formula used in the celebration of sacrament
The Effects of the Sacrament:
Perfectly bound to the Church as sons and daughters of God
United more closely to Christ
Increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit
Cause deeper relationship to the Church
Become a resilient witnesses of Christ in thoughts, words, and actions
The Purpose of the Sacrament:
Sanctify men and women
Build up the Church
Give worship to God
From the moment that a sacraments celebrated in accordance with the intention of the Church, the power of Christ and his Spirit acts in and through it, independently of the personal holiness of the minister.
sacraments act ex opere operato
Sacrament as, Sacramentum, a sign that sanctifies; a sign of a sacred reality
St. Augustine’s Notion of Sacrament
Sacramentum is a sign that sanctifies to make men holy, because it is efficacious, and produces the intended effect.
St. Augustine’s Notion of Sacrament
St. Augustine who called a sacrament a ____________
“a visible sign of invisible grace”.
sacramentum as a _______________ sign of a sacred thing.
“sacrum signum”
The _____________________ states, “The sacraments of the New Testament were instituted by Christ the
Lord and entrusted to the Church. As actions of Christ and the Church, they are signs and means which express and strengthen the
faith, render worship to God, and effect the sanctification of humanity and thus contribute in the greatest way to establish,
strengthen, and manifest ecclesiastical communion.”
Code of Canon Law
The basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments.
Minister in Baptism
In danger of death,
Any Person
Matter in Baptism
Form in Baptism
(Name), “I baptize you in the name of
the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit.”
Necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. The baptized are more perfectly bound to the Church, enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit, and become true witnesses of Christ by word and deed.
Minister in Confirmation
Matter in Confirmation
Chrism Oil
Form in Confirmation
“Be sealed with the gifts of the Holy
The source and summit of Christian
life. It is the sum and summary of our faith; our way of thinking is attuned to the __________, and the __________ in turn confirms our way of thinking.
Minister in Eucharist
Matter in Eucharist
Bread and
Form in Eucharist
Words in consecration: “This is my
body…” “This is my blood…”
The sacrament instituted by Christ for forgiving the sins committed after baptism, it is Christ himself who gives the absolution to the penitent by the means of priest, who acts In Persona Christi.
Minister in Penance
Matter in Penance
Form in Penance
“I absolve you from your sins in the
name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.”
The sacrament instituted by Christ to cure the physical and spiritual ailments, and to prepare for the Holy Death.
Anointing of the Sick
Minister in Anointing of the Sick
Matter in Anointing of the Sick
Form in Anointing of the Sick
“Through this Anointing may the Lord
in His love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit;” (while anointing the palms of the hands) “May the Lord, who frees you from sin save you and raise you up.”
A matrimonial covenant by which a
man and a woman establish between
themselves a partnership of whole life, by its nature ordered toward the good of the spouses, procreation, and education of the offspring.
Minister in Matrimony
The Spouses
Matter in Matrimony
The Contract/ The Mutual Consent
Form in Matrimony
The “I do”, which both spouses
indicate mutual consent to the
The sacrament of apostolic ministry
through which the mission entrusted by Christ to His apostles continues to be exercised in the Church.
Holy Orders/Ordination
Minister in Holy Orders
Matter in Holy Orders
Imposition of hands/ Laying on of hands
Form in Holy Orders
The Consecratory prayer, the words which the Bishop says to the candidate upon the imposition of hands.
Effects/Graces of Baptism
Purification from sin; the original sin
New birth in the Holy Spirit
Receive an indelible spiritual character; baptismal seal
Incorporated into Church
Unites us with other Christians
Effects/Graces of Confirmation
An increase of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and Sanctifying grace
Indelible Spiritual Character imparted on the soul
A strengthening of Actual grace
Effects/Graces of Eucharist
Partaking of Christ’s body and blood
Atoning for the sins of the living and dead
Fostering communion with the Church
Having a foretaste and assurance of eternal life
Effects/Graces of Penance
Remission of eternal punishment
Restoration of Sanctifying grace
Reconciliation with the Church
Effects/Graces of Matrimony/Marriage
Goods of the spouse
Procreation and upbringing of the children
Unity of two bodies
Effects/Graces of Anointing of the Sick
Forgiveness of Sins
Healing or preparation for the Holy death
Curing Physical and Spiritual ailments
Effects/Graces of Holy Orders
Indelible Spiritual Character
Confers a special grace of the Holy Spirit to act as representative
of Christ in his triple-office of priest, prophet, and king
Configuration to Christ as priest, teacher, and pastor