Long And Illustrious History Flashcards
Who were the first people to live in GB and in what era?
- hunter - gatherers in the Stone Age
How was Britain connected to the continent and when did it separate?
- connected by a land bridge
- separated 10,000 yrs ago
When did the first farmers arrive in GB and from where.
- 6000 years ago
- from South East Europe
What dod the first farmers build and where can you see its memorialisation today?
- they built houses, tombs and monuments
- one of these monuments is in Stonehenge in Wiltshire.
What is and was stonehenge?
- a monument built by first farmer
- in wiltshire
- was a place for seasonal ceremonies
What is a preserved prehistoric village in Britain that helps understand about how people lived near the end of the stone age?
- skara beaw on Orkney in Scotland
When did people learn how to make bronze?
4000 years ago
Where did people live in the bronze age and where did they burry the dead?
They lived in roundhouses and buried the dead in tombs called round barrows
What did people learn to make in the bronze age?
- tools, ornaments and weapons
- made of bronze and gold
What followed the Bronze Age? What did people make and what sites did they defend?
- The Iron Age followed the Bronze Age
- People made weapons and tools out of iron
- The defended sites called Hill forts (e.g. Maiden Castle in Dorset)
What were most people during the Iron Age and what language did they speak?
- farmers, craft workers or warriors.
- they spoke the Celtic language
Which people made the first coins in Britain?
The people of Iron Age
Who led an unsuccessful Roman Invasion of Britain and in what year?
Julius Caesar in 55BC
Who led a successful Roman invasion of Britain and in what year?
Emperor Claudius in AD 43
Who was one of the tribal leaders who fought against the Romans? Where is that person commemorated today?
Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni. Westminster Bridge London
Which Roman emperor built a wall?
What was the wall called?
Where is it located?
What was the purpose of building that wall?
What are the names of some parts of the Wall?
- Emperor Hadrian
- Hadrian’s Wall
- North England
- To keep the Picts (ancestors of the scottish people) out
- Housesteads and Vindolanda
How long did the Romans stay in Britain
400 years (left in AD410)
When did the first Christian communities appear in Britain?
3rd and 4th centuries
After the Romans, who invaded Britain? When did they get established in GB?
The Anglo Saxons
Established fully by 600 AD
Where was one of the Anglo Saxon kings buried?
Sutton Hoo in Suffolk. He was buried with treasure and armour which was placed in a shop was was covered by a mound of earth
Who founded a monastery in Scotland and where?
St. Columba, Island of Iona
Who led missionaries from Rome?
St. Augstine
Who became the first archbishop of Canterbury?
St. Augstine
Where did the Vikings come from?
When did they come to Britain first?
What did they raid first?
- From Denmark, Norway and Sweden
- First visited in 789
- To raid costal towns and take away goods and slaves
Who defeated and united the Kingdoms of England when the vikings attacked?
King Alfred the Great
What is the area in England where the Vikings settled?
- east and north of England
- its called Danelaw
What words come from the Viking language?
- Grimsby
- Scunthorpe
who did the scottish people unite under when the Vikings invaded?
Kenneth MacAlpin
When did the Duke of Normandy invade Britain, who did he defeat and what was the battle called?
1066 led by William the Conqueror
Defeated Harold, the Saxon king of England
Battle of Hastings
Which battle is commemorated at the Bayeux Tapestry?
Battle of Hastings
Which two languages influenced English?
Anglo Saxans and Norman French
Which books gives a picture of society in England after the Norman Conquest?
Domesday Book
In what year did what King introduce the Statute of Rhuddlan? What did it annex to the Crown of England?
1284, King Edward 1, annexed Wales to the Crown of England
When was the last Welsh rebellion defeated?
mid 15th century
When was the Battle of Bannockburn and who was it led by?
in 1314 led by Robert the Bruce: Scotland defeated the English
Who was the long war fought with and how many years did it last
With France and lasted 116 years
What was one of the battles fought during the Hundred Years War and why was it noteworthy
Battle of Agincourt in 1415 where King Henry V’s army was outnumbered by the French army but they still won. 1450 English left France
Who owned land in Scotland and Northern Ireland?
Members of the ‘clans’ (prominent families)
What did the Magna Carta do? Which King was forced by who to agree to it?
The Magna Carta restricted the king’s power to collect taxes or to make or change laws. It was King John who was forced by his noblemen to agree to a number of demands.
What was the purpose of the Parliament in the middle ages?
Parliaments were called for the king to consult his nobles, particularly when the king needed to raise money.
Who sat in the house of lord and who sat in the house of commons during the middles ages?
the nobility, great landowners and bishops sat in the House of Lords.
knights, who were usually smaller landowners, and wealthy people from towns and cities were elected to sit in the House of Commons.