London - People Flashcards
When was ‘London’ published?
What does the poem describe?
Describes a journey around London.
offering a glimpse of the terrible conditions faced by the inhabitants of the city.
What sort of things do you see in this poem?
- Child labour
- Restrictive laws property
- Prostitution
What are his feelings towards the living conditions in the 18th century?
It offers a prophecy of terrible consequences if nothing alters and what does this allude?
Alludes to 1789 French revelation (uprising)
What does the strict and rigid structure reflect?
Reflects the sense of restriction
What can you say about the quote ‘I wander thro’ each charter’d street’?
- first person, honest insightful
- verb ‘wander’ aimless
- ‘charter’d’ owned/restricted
What can you say about the quote ‘marks of weakness, marks of woe’?
- ‘weakness’, ‘woe’ adjectives, against the empire
- negative words
What can you say about the quote ‘the mind-forg’d manacles I hear’?
- ‘the mind-forg’d’, restricted/confined
- verb
- ‘manacles’ handcuffs, restricted in thoughts
What can you say about the quote ‘chimney sweeper’s cry’?
- ‘cry’ suffering
- child labour
What can you say about the quote ‘every black’ning church appalls’
- ‘black’ning’ morally black
- ‘appalls’ dismay
What can you say about the quote ‘runs in blood down palace walls’?
- violence/blood shed
- French revelation
What can you say about the quote ‘blights with plagues the marriage hearse’?
- ‘blights’ ruin/damage
- ‘plagues’ bad life
- ‘marriage hearse’ oxymoron, funeral
Complete the quote
‘I _____ thro’ each _____ street’
‘I wander thro’ each charter’d street’
Complete the quote
‘Marks of ______, marks of _____’?
‘Marks of weakness, marks of woe’