London Flashcards
Anaphora of this phrase reflects confinement
what things are “charter’d”
Thames does flow
people are disheartened
marks of weakness, marks of woe
opening showing that the poem is a journey
I wander
Anaphora of this phrase demonstrates how widespread these factors are
In every
capitalisation shows that “Man” means all men
cry of every Man
All children are scared
Infant’s cry of fear
industrial connotations of how people are confined in their mind, repressed
mind-forg’d manacles
industrial and religious imagery. Both the physical buildings are becoming blackened but also the establishment is becoming darker
black’ning Church
this perhaps links to the French Revolution
blood down Palace walls
under the cover of darkness, a journey of darkness happens (dodgy stuff)
thro’ midnight streets
prostitutes both literally cursing due to their bad situation but also they have a curse on them perhaps?
youthful Harlot’s curse
the cursing shows the injustice served to the prostitutes and (their) children
Blasts the new born Infant’s ear
perhaps this is suggestive of STDs
blights with plagues
this is extreme juxtaposition of new life and death
Marriage hearse.