Logical Fallacy Flashcards
Hasty generalization
This oversimplifies the complexities that would arise with a wider sample of evidence
Ad hominem
Attacking the person rather than the argument of issue
False dilemma
Present the issue as an either or situation that suggests that only two alternatives exist even though there might be other solutions or explanations
Reductio ad adsurdum
Refuting an argument by making an idea and attitude seem irrational by exaggerating or extending it’s logical consequences to the point of ridiculousness often for satiric effect
Post hoc
Implying that because one event follows another the first is the cause of the second
Slippery slope
Predicting that taking one step will lead inevitably to the 2nd more undesirable step with out providing proof that this will occur
Faulty emotional appeal
Appealing to emotions when they are irrelevant to the argument draw attention away from the issue or conceal another purpose
Loaded words
Using words with strong emotional associations positive or neg sway to audience
Bandwagon appeal
You should do something because everyone else is doing it
Ad populum
Appealing to the prejudices or shared beliefs or attitudes of the audience and assuming that therefore evidence isn’t necessary
Appeal to traditions
The tradition should continue to exist
Plain folks appeal
Using images of average people to make you want to vote for a candidate or to buy a product
Snob appeal
Using wealthy people beautiful people and women to help promote a product
Faulty use of authority
Attempt to bolster claims by citing expert opinions when the expert is removed from his or her area of expertise
False analogy
Creating a comparison and using it as proof while ignoring the important dis similarities between the 2 things being compared