Logical fallacy Flashcards
Define a logical fallacy
Arguments which appear logical but in reality are very flawed
Ad hominem
An attack on the speaker, not the actual argument itself
False analogy
Items being compared are not related in a way as to make the comparison oversimplified and nonsensical
Straw man
Oversimplification of opponent’s argument to attack them (often picks the weakest, least relevant point)
“if.. and … then…” type statement, faulty use of transitive property
Circular argument
Restatement w/o any actual new information or reasoning being introduced
Slippery slope
Presentation of an unrealistic/low probability horrible future as a certainty, if A happens, then B will happen, then C will happen (faulty series of events)
False dilemma
Reducing complex scenarios into black and white choices of either or
“Everyone else does this… you should too!”
Appeal to authority
Red herring
Introduce point only with surface level connection, shift focus from debate, not rlly an answer (ex. A politician is asked to explain why the unemployment rate has risen despite implementing their policies. The politician replies, “I have been working incredibly hard since I entered office, and I think the citizens can see this.”)
Post hoc fallacy
Smth that comes before MUST be the cause of smth that comes after w/o proof of causality
Misinterpretations/multiple meanings of words or unclear phrasing that tricks readers (words will mean one thing in one portion and mean another in another portion ex. I have the right to live, therefore its right for me to live)
Hasty generalization
Considering patterns of 1 or two examples instead of actual research (my stomach hurt after eating 15 pounds of peanuts so i must be allergic to peanuts)
Appeal to authority
Appeal to money
You’re another (tu quoque)
Arguments which point to another side’s hypocrisy doing the same thing rather than addressing the actual issue
False authority
An argument equating authority in one field to authority in another
Appeal to ignorance
must be true bcz no one has ever proven that it isnt
false causality (category, not type of fallacy)
something inrelated causes another