Logical Fallacies Flashcards
Red Herring
Switching issues mid argument in order to throw the audience off your scent
False Dilemma
Acting like you only have two choices when there are multiple
Begging the Question
Assumes a debatable point has already been proven
Straw Person
Distorts an opponents argument and attacks that distortion
Slippery Slope
One Event Causes a whole chain of events
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Oc
What happens before is the cause of what happens after
Ad Populam
Appeal to Popularity
Ad Hominem
Personal Attack in Argument
Appeal to Ignorance
What we cannot prove cannot exist. We cannot disprove it so it must exist
False Analogy
Making an Analogy that is to broad. All Weed smokers are thugs
Antecedent Fallacy
Past is sufficient to predict the future
Guilt by Association
Feelings towards a certain person because of a relationship to a certain entity
Non Sequitur
Does not follow reaches a conclusion that does not follow evidence
Hasty Generalization
Don’t have enough evidence to make a generalization
Complex Cause
Acting like there is only one cause to a problem when in reality there are many.
Poisoning the Well
Unqualified to talk about a certain topic because of a particular circumstance
Tu Quoque
Falsely conclude someone guilty of an offense has no reason to tell other people not to do it. Thief telling other people not to steal.