Logical Fallacies Flashcards
Logical fallacies
Flaws in reasoning occur when someone draws a conclusion not based on sound reasoning
Band wagon
Implying that an idea must be accurate is it is popular; join the crowd
Card stacking
Providing evidence for only one side of a case or deliberately omitting essential information that would change the readers opinion
Character attack or ad hominem
Attacking a person rather than an issue
Circular reasoning or begging the question
Attempting to support a position by simply restating it in a different way
Either/or reasoning
Suggesting there is only two possible solutions to a problem (one right one wrong) when in reality there could be many potential options for resolving the issue
False analogy
Comparing things that are not similar in the most important respects
False authority or testimony
Mentioning an authority figure or celebrity as support for arguing a point
False cause or post hoc
Suggesting that one thing happened after another, the first event caused the second one
Glittering generalization
Using emotionally charged words suck as love truth honor democracy and justice to gain audience approval
Hasty generalization
Drawing conclusions without sufficient evidence
Non sequitur
The conclusion does not logically follow the evidence provided
Red herring
Diverting the readers attention away from the main issue by introducing something irrelevant
Slippery slope
Suggesting that if one change occurs then another unwanted changes will inevitably occur as well
Attaching a trait to people who belong to a particular religious ethnic racial age or other group
If something as always been done a certain way then it must be the correct way