Logical Fallacies Flashcards
You note the growing number of immigrants in a city, observe the cities economic decline. What strat?
Post hoc
Pos hoc
Latin phrase meaning “after this, therefore this happens” occurs when you conclude that a cuase and effect relationship exists simply because one even preceded another
Non Sequitur
Latin “doesnt not follow” even more blatant muddying of cause and effect relationship, conclusion is drawn that has no logical connection to the evidence cited
Non sequitur
Lots of Americans own cars, so there is no beed for public transportation.
Ad hominem
Latin, “to the man” occurs when someone attacks a person rather than a point of view
Ad hominem
You college plans to sponsor a symposium on abortion, you send emails attacking the speakers and their history
Appeals to questionable or faulty authority
Weakens an argument, references vague sources
Begging the question
Failure to establish proof for a debatable point
Begging the question
The writer expects readers to accept as given a premise thats actually controversial. For instance you would have trouble convincing readers thst prayer should be banned from public schools because they violate the constitution
False analogy
Wrongly implies that because two things share some characteristics, they are therefore alike in all respects
False analogy
Compare nicotine to marijuana. Both involve health risks and have addictive properties. You could conclude “Driving while smoking a cigarette isn’t illegal, so driving while smoking marijuana shouldn’t be illegal either.”
Either/or fallacy
Occurs when you assume that a particular viewpoint or course of action can only have one of two diametrically opposed outcome
Either totally this or totally that
Either/or fallacy
“If you don’t pay for gas, we’re not going to the movies ever again.”
Red Herring
An intentional digression from the issue-a ploy to deflect attention from the matter being discussed.
Red herring
A local environmental group advocates stricter pesticide controls at nearby farms; the groups evidence includes statistics indicating that a higher number of migrant workers are exposed to chemicals. You respond, “their illegal, they don’t deserve protection anyways.” Boom, sidetracked