Logical Fallacies Flashcards
What is the definition of fallacies?
Logical errors in arguments
When irrelevant conclusions are drawn from the premises of an argument
Fallacies of relevance
When an argument involves ambiguous language
Fallacies of ambiguity
When false assumptions are made about the premises of an argument
Fallacies of presumption
Personal Attack
Ad Hominem
Ex. You’re face is asymmetrical
Personal attack
Ad Populum
Most people believe in God, so God must exist!
Appeal to novelty
Ad Novitatem
iPhone update is new, so photos app MUST be better
Appeal to novelty
Appeal to tradition
Ad Antiquitatem
This medicine has always been used, thus it is most effective
Appeal to tradition
Organic food is always healthier than non-organic food
Appeal to nature
I know I’m not qualified, but if you don’t give me this job my children will starve
Appeal to emotional
I know I said I’d come to the movies and I didn’t, but what about the time you didn’t show up to my birthday party?
Red Herring
I believe that hunting for sport is immoral. / So you think we should all be forced to be vegetarian because animals are more important than people?
Straw Man
Doctors can look up information while treating a patient; why shouldn’t students be able to use their textbooks during a test?
Faulty analogy
SLOW children playing sign