logical fallacies Flashcards
an argument being directed at a person instead of the argument theyre making
ad hominem
occurs when someone uses an authoritative figure’s opinion as evidence to support them
appeal to authority
argues policies are acceptable because they always have been
appeal to history
appeal to a common belief
an argument that comes back to the beginning without proving anything
a condition is necessary in which for the event to occur
confusing necessary and sufficient conditions
just because something is likely doesnt mean it had necessarily caused something else to occur
correlation, not causation
containing facts, statements and ideas that dont match + add up
to make a statement broader
forcing someone to pick between two choices when there are other posibilities
false dilemma
a dramatic sequence of events
slippery slope
misrepresenting the opponent’s argument
a type of ad hominem that discredits the argument by attacking their personal actions or behavior
tu quoque
two things being compared that arent really alike
weak analogy