logical fallacies Flashcards
to memorize the logical fallacies
Appeal to Anonymous Authority
“They say that it takes 7 years to digest chewing gum.”
Using evidence from an unnamed ‘expert’, ‘study’ or generalized group (like ‘scientists’) to claim something is true.
Appeal to Authority
“Over 400 prominent scientists and engineers dispute global warming.”
Claiming something is true because an ‘expert’, whether qualified or not, says it is.
Appeal to Common Practice
“This bank has some problems with corruption. But there’s nothing going on here that doesn’t go on in all the other banks.”
Claiming something is true because it’s commonly practiced.
Appeal to Ignorance
“Nobody has proved to me there is a God. So there is no God.”
A claim is true simply because it has not been proven false (or false because it has not been proven true).
Appeal to Incredulity
“The eye is an incredibly complex biomechanical machine with thousands of interlocking parts. How could that exist without an intelligent designer?”
Because a claim sounds unbelievable, it must not be true.
Appeal to Money
“If it costs more, it must be better.”
Supposing that, if someone is rich or something is expensive, then it affects the truth of the claim.
Appeal to Novelty
“Awesome! The latest version of this operating system is going to make my computer faster and better…”
Supposing something is better because it is new or newer.
Appeal to Popular Belief
“Everyone knows milk is good for your bones.”
Claiming something is true because the majority of people believe it.
Appeal to Probability
Assuming because something could happen, it will inevitably happen.
Appeal to Tradition
Claiming something is true because it’s (apparently) always been that way.
Appeal to Consequences of a Belief
Arguing a belief is false because it implies something you’d rather not believe.
Appeal to Fear
An argument is made by increasing fear and prejudice towards the opposing side.
Appeal to Flattery
Using an irrelevant compliment to slip in an unfounded claim which is accepted along with the compliment.
Appeal to Nature
Making your claim seem more true by drawing a comparison with the “good” natural world.
Appeal to Pity
Attempt to induce pity to sway opponents.
Appeal to Ridicule
Presenting the opponent’s argument in a way that makes it appear absurd.
Appeal to Spite
Dismissing a claim by appealing to personal bias against the claimant.
Appeal to Wishful Thinking
Suggesting a claim is true or false just because you strongly hope it is.
Anecdotal Evidence
Discounting evidence arrived at by systematic search or testing in favor of a few firsthand stories.
Assuming that characteristics or beliefs of some or all of a group applies to the entire group.
Assuming that characteristics or beliefs of a group automatically apply to any individual member.