Logical Fallacies Flashcards
Hasty Generalization
Making assumptions about a whole group or range of cases based on a sample that is inadequate.
Ad Hominem
An attack on personality and character.
Red Herring
Raising a side issue that distracts the audience from what is really at stake.
False Authority
Using an expert to sell something except they are not an expert in what they are selling - they’re an expert in something else.
Offering only two choices… when there are clearly more!
Slippery Slope
Saying that we allow A to happen, then eventually Z will happen… even though Z is actually unlikely to happen.
AKA: An exaggerated domino effect.
(Most popular logical fallacy)
This appeals to the popularity of an idea. This assumes that the more popular the idea, the more valid (true) it must be.
AKA: “All the cool kids are doing it!”
False Cause
Falsely identifying the real cause of an event.
Post Hoc
Attributing a cause & effect relationship without proper evidence.
Circular Reasoning
(Begging the Question)
A person uses circular reasoning when they support a statement simply by repeating it in different words (an argument that supports a claim by using the claim itself.)
Non-sequitur occurs when the arguer reaches a conclusion that does not follow logically from the “proof” offered to support it.
*It literally means “not in sequence.”