Logical connectors Flashcards
_________ are words and phrases that signal relationships between ideas to make them more connected and relevant to each other.
Logical connector
What is the difference between Logical connectors and Conjunctions?
Conjunctions grammatically join two clauses while Logical connectors are used between sentences or ideas.
______ is a logical connector that adds something.
actually; additionally; again; also; alternatively; and; as a matter
of fact; besides (this); equally important; finally; first; further;
furthermore; in addition; indeed; in fact; last; moreover; next; nor
(negative); on the other hand; or; second; then
______ is a logical connecter that uses examples.
For example; for instance; for one thing; in particular; notably;
specifically; such as; that is; to illustrate
________ is something that compares something.
Equally; in a like manner; in the same way; likewise; similarly,
________ is something that makes the sentence clear.
I mean; in other words; that is (to say); (to) put (it) another way
________ is expressing reservation without invalidating the truth of the main clause
Although; despite (this); even so; even though; in spite of (this);
nevertheless; nonetheless; on the other hand; regardless; still;
though; yet
________ is showing difference.
Alternatively; and; at the same time; but; even so; however; in
contrast; instead; nevertheless; on the other hand; on the contrary; otherwise; still; rather; though; when in fact; whereas; yet
________ is correcting a preceding item.
(or) at least; (or) rather
________ is expressing cause/reason.
As; because (of the fact that); due to (the fact that); for;
forasmuch as; for the reason that; inasmuch as; in that; in view of
(the fact that); owing to (the fact that); seeing that; since
________ Expresses outcomes.
Accordingly; and so; as a result (of this); because (of this);
consequently; hence; in consequence; so; so much (so) that; then;
therefore; thereupon; thus
________ expresses intentions
Because of this; for fear that/of (negative); for that reason; in
order to/that; in the hope that; lest (negative); so; so as to; to do
this; this end; with this in mind; with this object
________ introduces a consequence
As; if; even if; if not (negative); if so; in case; that case; in the even
that/of; given (that); granted (that); only of; on the condition that;
otherwise (negative); providing that; so long as; that being the
case; then; unless (negative); under those circumstances
________ shows a particular order
After (this); afterward; as a final point; at first; at last; before
(this); eventually; finally; for a start; first…; first of all; initially…; in
the end; in the first place; last but not least; lastly; next;
previously; second…; secondly…; subsequently; then; to begin
with; to start with; to conclude (with) in a moment
________ expresses cumulative action or effect
All in all; altogether; as has been mentioned/noted; as I said;
briefly; given (all) these points; given (all) these facts; in
conclusion; therefore; to make a long story short; summarize; to
sum up
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
Taking care of your body is equally important as taking care of
your mental health.
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“There are a number of improvements done in our area; for
instance, the rehabilitation of mini library and garden, and
installation of CCTVs.”
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“In time, the nightmares will go away, and likewise, I will no
longer remember the accident.”
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“The rays which in the absence of the solution of chlorophyll would
have occupied those spaces have no power to pass through it, or in
other words chlorophyll absorbs those particular rays of light which
are missing.”
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“I’d like to eat out, but on the other hand I should be trying to
save money.”
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“When I was growing up, my brother and I had easier chores like
taking out the garbage, whereas my sisters had to help make
supper and stuff.”
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a
man of value.”
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“Filipinos are skeptical about the economic status of the country
in view of this foregoing crisis we are experiencing.”
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“The cost of materials rose sharply last year. Accordingly, we
were forced to increase our prices.”
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“The flooded road made it impossible for commuters to go to
work, because of this, many companies/establishments allowed
their workers to work at home.”
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“Their disciplined behavior under those circumstances impressed
the teacher.”
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?
“To understand this let us first of all look at the root causes of the
What kind of relationship type does this sentence include?