logic design Ch 1, 2, 3 Flashcards
Explain differences between digital and analog
Analog devices have continuous values
Example: mercury thermometer
value does not “jump”, it increases/decreases over a continuous range with infinite values in that range
Digital electronics have discrete values
Example: digital thermometer
value “jumps” and represented by set off digital values, 98.6, 98.7
What is the digital advantage over analog?
stored more compactly than analog data
processed and transmitted more efficiently and reliably
is not affected by noise (unwanted voltage fluctuations)
reproduced with greater accuracy
What is the analog advantage over digital?
Analog systems can generally handle higher power than digital systems.
What are the different electromagnetic waves?
- Radio
- Microwave
- Infrared
- Visible
- Ultraviolet
- X-Ray
- Gamma Ray
What was the first computer and what could it do?
- Abacus
- Add
- subtract
- multiply,
- divide,
- square root
- cube roots
- Base 10 and 16
What was used by the Apollo 11 astronauts and was it Analog or Digital?
- Slide Rule + - x / roots powers trig log exp
- it was Analog
What is a single number called in binary? And what value can it have?
- A bit(Binary Digit)
- A bit can have the value of either a 0 or a 1, depending on if the voltage is HIGH or LOW.
What are the 3 things in addition to frequeny and period that waveforms are described by?
- the amplitude (A), pulse width (tW) and duty cycle.
- Duty cycle is the ratio of tW to T.
What is a period?
Periodic pulse waveforms are composed of pulses that repeats in a fixed interval called the period
What is a frequency?
. The frequency is the rate it repeats and is measured in hertz.
- f=1/t, t=1/f
What is the period of a repetitive wave if f = 3.2 GHz?
313 ps
what are the names of all the different logic functions?
- And
- Or
- Nand
True only if all input conditions are true.
True only if one or more input conditions are true.
Indicates the opposite condition.
Convert the binary number 100101.01 to decimal.
Convert the decimal number 49 to binary
Convert the decimal fraction 0.188 to binary
What are the rules for binary addition?
0 + 0 = 0 Sum = 0, carry = 0
0 + 1 = 0 Sum = 1, carry = 0
1 + 0 = 0 Sum = 1, carry = 0
1 + 1 = 10 Sum = 0, carry = 1
Add the binary numbers 00111 and 10101 and show the equivalent decimal addition
11100 = 28
what does +58 equal using 8 bits and what does -58 equal using 8 bits?
- 00111010 = +58
- 10111010 = -58
Explain differences between digital and analog
Analog devices have continuous values
Example: mercury thermometer
value does not “jump”, it increases/decreases over a continuous range with infinite values in that range
Digital electronics have discrete values
Example: digital thermometer
value “jumps” and represented by set off digital values, 98.6, 98.7
What is the digital advantage over analog?
stored more compactly than analog data
processed and transmitted more efficiently and reliably
is not affected by noise (unwanted voltage fluctuations)
reproduced with greater accuracy
What is the analog advantage over digital?
Analog systems can generally handle higher power than digital systems.