iff it is impossible to make all of the
premises true and the conclusion false.
Jointly Contrary
To show given sentences are jointly contrary, a contradiction must be proved from assuming all the sentences given.
To show that some sentences A1, A2, … An are jointly contrary, construct a proof that takes A1, A2, … An as assumptions and concludes with ⊥
Modal logical truth
An ML sentence A is a MODAL LOGICAL TRUTH iff A is true at every world in every interpretation
Provably Equivalent
Two sentences are provably equivalent where each can be proved from the other. This requires a pair of proofs where you can derive B from assuming A as the premise, and vice versa.
A –> B :
- provide a pair of proofs: one starts with A and concludes with B, the other starts with B and concludes with A
A is a THEOREM if and only if there is a proof of A from no assumptions (⊢ A)
Logically Equivalent
Two sentences have the same truth value in all possible interpretations.
they are tautological.
Modal contradiction
An ML sentence A is a MODAL CONTRADICTION iff A is false at every world in every interpretation
Modally consistent
An ML sentence A is MODALLY CONSISTENT iff A is TRUE
at some world in some interpretation
Modally valid
A1, A2, … An; ∴C is MODALLY VALID iff there is no world in any interpretation in which all the premises are true and the conclusion is false