Loftus and loftus 1987 Flashcards
To see if subjects spend more time focussing on a weapon than an ambiguous object during an interaction and if this provides support for the weapon focus effect
36 students aged 18-31 from washington
How were the participants recruited?
Half PPS recruited through an add offering $3.50 for completing the study.
The other half were offered psychology credits for completing the study. PPS thought they were involved in an experiment about proactive interference.
Describe the Procedure
All PPS shown a series of slides detailing the events of moving through a queue in a taco restaurant. These slides were identical for both groups except for one slide. The control group slide had person B in the queue handing a cheque over to the cashier and and he experience experimental group, pulls out a gun. Each slide shown for 1.5 seconds. Different depictions of person B were the dependent variable as PPS. Were layer asked to identify the person. Measure by 20 multiple choice faces questions which 7 related to the appearance of person B. Line up of 12 photos used by each PPS to identify person b follow ed by the given q confidence ratio (1-6). PPS eye fixations also measured to see what they focussed on most.
Answers to the questionnaire showed PPS in experimental group were only slightly less accurate than those in control group (51%-46%)
Line up data showed significant differences in the ability to identify person B. In the control group, 7 people (38.9%) able to identify person but only 2 in the experiment group could (11.1%)
Gun more focussed than cheque
As expected, PPS spent more time looking at the weapon and therefore had more difficulty licking the correct suspect.
Lab, controlled- standardised, increasing internal reliability and internal validity. This allows for cause and effect, making PAS. It is ethical, and reductionist
Standardised questionnaire - construct bias
Small sample - low external reliability - all from uni of Washington - ethnocentric and age biased - low in pop validity, and low in ecological validity situational, less useful