LOE Questions Flashcards
What is the alternate minima
Cat 1 600’ ceiling (CIG) 2000m visibility
NPA or ATV 800’ 3000m
Circling Approach 800’ 3600m
Alternate minimum for each airport is shown in the “Company Minima table “ in the route manual
OM 5-11
What is the take off alternate range
Not more than 1 hour from the departure airport at normal cruising speed in still air (wind calm). With 1 engine inoperative.
However if the destination airport or the alternate airport for the destination is within the above mentioned distance, the provision shall not apply.
OM 3.6
Why is RVR not available with no centerline lights
since the RVR values are correlated to the brightness of the runway edge lights and runway centerline lights, they are not reported when whichever of these lights are inoperative.
AIMJ 265 (2-11)
GPS requirements for the 787
Number of satellites required
OM S-4-5
What is the difference between BR and FG
FG (fog) - is used when the lowest visibility is less than 1000m except for MI (shallow), BC (patches), PR (partial), VC (vicinity, within approximately 8km and 16km of the aerodrome reference point.Not at the airport but at the perimeter)
BR (mist) - Be used when visibility is 1000m or more and 5000m or less
AIM J 811 pg 8-4
When will RVR be reported by ATC
Route manual japan -43
When the prevailing visibility, or directional visibility is 1500m or less, or the RVR is 1800m or less
AIM J 811 pg 8-4
What is the shaded area on the weight and balance sheet?
What range do you use?
The shaded area is for Using the Rolling Takeoff Procedure for INT Flight.
Cold Wx, Rolling Take off inhibited
The limitations section of the AOM makes reference in the rolling takeoff shaded area to refer to the AOM Supplemental procedures.
The supplemental procedures state that the the following procedure can be performed even in the area of center of gravity in which a rolling takeoff is obligated.
The procedure is;
When icing conditions exist and the temperature is 3deg or below, the takeoff must be preceded by a static run up procedure to minimum of 50%N1 and a maximum 55%N1 for at least 2 seconds to shed any possible ice/snow on the fan.
Apply thrust slowly and smoothly and evenly for a symmetrical spool up of the engines. Release brakes and set takeoff thrust slowly and smoothly. If the airplane begins to slide on snow or ice during the engine power check, release the brakes and continue takeoff roll.
Continue engine checks during the beginning of the takeoff roll.
Wake turbulence category for the 787?
What are the separation requirements?
Heavy (300000lbs or more) AIM J 304 3-2
Radar - behind heavy 4nm
- behind super heavy 6nm
Non Radar - behind super/ heavy 2 mins (both landing)
- behind a super heavy takeoff 3mins (super heavy taking off) 2 mins if heavy
Non radar - 2mins heavy
- 3mins super heavy
what are the separation requirements in the traffic pattern?
Self separation??
What are the changes to wind shear reporting
Route manual Japan
“Wind shear escape”
What are the recent changes to the fuel policy
Pre flight self introduction
“I am ——- we will be taking the Air Transport Pilot Boeing 787 Type rating check”
Flight overview Aircraft JA805A ANA flight 78 Departure Airport RJAA Arrival Airport ROAH Alternate Airport RODN
Pre flight Briefing (confirmation before departure)
“We will prepare and confirm for the flight based on the Civil Aeronautics Act Article 73-2 and the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Civil Aeronautics Act Article 116-14”
Maintenance status of the aircraft and its equipment
“Presently, there are no discrepancies, but will confirm final aircraft condition at the ship”
Weather information required for navigation
The present weather condition at RJAA is northeast winds at 15kts, visibility 800m, RVR for each runways variable 600m to 1200m downward, ceiling 300’.
It is below landing minimums, but above takeoff minimums. TAF predicts visibility 3000m, ceiling 2000’. Temporary sea fog exists in the area but is in the recovering trend.
Takeoff alternate Airport is RJTT. Present conditions are westerly winds at 5kts, visibility more than 10km, ceiling 8000’, and has no significant change in the forecast and will continue to have no problem for takeoff and landing.
Destination airport ROAH presently has weak winds from the NW, visibility more than 10km, ceiling 8000’. TAF predicts southerly winds at 7kts, followed by temporary southern winds. There is a possibility of a runway change but the weather conditions will continue to have no problem for takeoff and landing.
As for our alternate airport RODN, weather will continue to be stable and above the alternate minimum.
Today we are planning to cruise at FL400, and there are no reports of turbulence during our climb and descent.
We have checked the weather information for this flight and confirmed that the weather has no problem for our flight and meet the requirements.
Notam (Aeronautical information)
There is Stop Bar light for ROAH and nil for RODN.
For RJAA, RJTT we will be careful for the information listed below.