Locations - Reverse Flashcards
the bash history
typically you don’t edit this file
rpm main configuration file
create it if it doesn’t exist
The main reason to create such a file is to implement architecture optimizations—for instance; to optimize your code for your CPU model by passing appropriate compiler options when you build a source RPM into a binary RPM. This is done with the optflags line:
optflags: athlon -O2 -g -march=i686
rpm global configuration file for editing
∼ /.rpmrc
create it if it doesn’t exist
The main reason to create such a file is to implement architecture optimizations—for instance; to optimize your code for your CPU model by passing appropriate compiler options when you build a source RPM into a binary RPM. This is done with the optflags line:
optflags: athlon -O2 -g -march=i686
rpm per user configuration file for editing
holds basic options; such as the directory to which Yum downloads RPMs and where Yum logs its activities. Chances are that you won’t need to modify this file
yum configuration file
You probably shouldn’t directly edit these files; instead; if you want to add a repository; you should manually download the RPM that includes the repository configuration and install it using rpm . The next time you use Yum; it will access your new repository along with the old ones
yum additional configuration files
okay to modify
apt repository configuration
/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg or ∼/.dpkg.cfg
The main configuration file for dpkg
BIND formatting
controls apt and dselect options
the debian installed file database
Generally speaking; there’s seldom a need to change the library path system wide
library path
/lib and /usr/lib
These directories are always on the library path; even if they aren’t listed in ld.so.conf .
trusted library directories
shared library cache
virtual filesystem
only shows an entry after a driver that uses the interrupt is loaded
Windows name COM1, IRQ 4
Windows name COM2; IRQ 3
Windows name COM3; IRQ 4
Windows name COM4; IRQ 3
Windows name LPT1; IRQ 7
Windows name LPT2; IRQ 5
Windows name A:; IRQ 6
Windows name B:; IRQ 6
what I/O addresses the computer is using
what DMA channels your system uses
sysfs virtual filesystem, contains information about devices so that user-space utilities can access the information
a place where dynamic device files as drivers are loaded and unloaded; necessitated by hotplug devices
kernel module files; kernel drivers for hardware
currently loaded kernel modules
modprobe configuration
connected usb devices