Locations Flashcards
What is ‘La spiaggia’ in English?
The beach
[Lah spee-ah-jah]
What is ‘La biblioteca’ in English?
The library
[Lah bee-blee-oh-teh-kah]
What is ‘Il bagno’ in English?
The bathroom
[Eel bah-nyoh]
What is ‘La chiesa’ in English?
The church
[Lah kyeh-zah]
What is ‘Il caffè’ in English?
The café
[Eel kah-feh]
What is ‘Il ristorante’ in English?
The restaurant
[Eel ree-stoh-rahn-teh]
What is ‘Il bar’ in English?
The bar
[Eel bahr]
What is ‘Il museo’ in English?
The museum
[Eel moo-zeh-oh]
What is ‘La scuola’ in English?
The school
[Lah skwoh-lah]
What is ‘L’ospedale’ in English?
The hospital
What is ‘Il parco’ in English?
The park
[Eel pahr-koh]
What is ‘L’albergo’ in English?
The hotel
What is ‘Il supermercato’ in English?
The supermarket
[Eel soo-pehr-mehr-kah-toh]
What is ‘La stazione’ in English?
The station
[Lah stah-tsee-oh-neh]
What is ‘Il teatro’ in English?
The theater
[Eel teh-ah-troh]