Location Problems Flashcards
To learn the theory of the location problem section
Location of supply
Is the supply on a vertex only or on any point along an edge or arc
Location of demand
Is the demand on a vertex only or any point along an edge or arc
Do we want to minimize the distance from supply to all points of demand or minimize the maximum distance from supply to the farthest demand?
Vertex supply to vertex demand
The eccentricity of a vertex is the maximum distance from a vertex v to the farthest vertex from v
[ e(v) ]
The minimum eccentricity of the graph G
[ rad(G) ]
Central vertex
The vertex/vertices with eccentricity equal to the radius
The maximum eccentricity of the graph G
[ diam(G) ]
Peripheral vertex
The vertex/vertices with eccentricity equal to the diameter
Classical Centre
Subgraph of all the central vertices denoted as C(G)
Subgraph of all the peripheral vertices of G
Classical Median
Subgraph denoted as M(G) of a weighted connected graph G induced by all the vertices of G which achieve a minimum value for the sum total of the distances from themselves to all other vertices.
Vertex supply to any point demand
The point on the edge uv at a distance f x w(u) from u and a distance (1-f) x w(v) for v for any real number of f from 0 to 1
u where f = 0
Internal f-point
Where f is greater than 0 and smaller than 1
v where f = 1
Vertex to edge distance
The distance from a vertex u to the critical f*-point of uv where f is the maximal distance
Vertex to arc distance
The distance from vertex i to the maximal distance for an arc which is always f = 1
The matrix of distance between the vertices and edges of the graph G
General Centre
The subgraph of G induced by the vertex/vertices achieving a minimum value of row maxima in D(G)
[ minimum maximum of row ]
General Median
The subgraph of G induced by the vertex/vertices achieving a minimum value of row sum in D(G)
[ minimum sum of row ]
Any point supply to vertex point demand
Point (edge) to vertex distance
There are two possible routes for the shortest path from an f-point of uv to i. Hence:
d = min[ f w(uv) + d(u,i), (1-f) w(uv) + d(v,i) ]
In the case where there exists a critical value of f, f* such that f w(uv) + d(u,i) = (1-f) w(uv) + d(v,i) then to calculate f* we solve the aforementioned equation to get:
f* = [ w(uv) + d(v,i) - d(u,i) ] / [ 2w(uv) ]
General Absolute
Any point supply to any point demand
Point (edge) to edge distance: e ≠ v
For e ≠ v the shortest path from an f-point (supply) to the farthest point of e (demand) is via u or v therefore:
d(f(uv), e) = min{ f w(uv) + d(u,e), (1-f) w(uv) + d(v,e)
Point (edge) to edge distance: e = v
For e = v the shortest path from an f-point to the farthest g-point described by the following equation:
d(f(uv), uv) = max{ A, B }
where A and B are:
A = min{ f w(uv), [ w(uv) + d(v,u) ] / 2 } B = min( (1-f) w(uv), [ w(uv) + d(u,v) ] / 2 }
Drawing of general absolute
Use these equations:
Right: A’ = [ w(uv) + d(v,u) ] / 2 }
Left: B’ = [ w(uv) + d(u,v) ] / 2 }