localization of function Flashcards
localization of function
refers to the idea that certain functions (e.g. behaviour, thoughts, emotions, language, memory) originate in the brain in specific localizations
refers to the brain’s ability to change structurally and chemically by experience. the change occurs through making and breaking synaptic connections between neurons. in this process neural networks literally change their shape.
posterior and anterior
back and front
superior, dorsal
inferior, ventral
areas in the middle of the brain
areas far from the brain’s midline
when the brain is sliced to separate the front from the back
when top is separated from the bottom
when left side is separated from the right side
frontal lobe
reasoning and motor processing, planning, speaking(expressive language), emotional expression
parietal lobe
sensations in the skin and muscles of the body, visual perception, reading and writing, math calculations, sense of touch,taste and smell
occipital lobe
visual reception area, visual interpretation, reading(perception and recognition)
coordination of voluntary movement, balance and equilibrium, some memory for reflex motor acts.
brain stem
sense of balance, reflexes to seeing and hearing, autonomic nervous system, blood vessel control, breathing, heart control. digestion, swallowing, consciousness, blood pressure, ability to sleep, sweating.
temporal lobe
auditory processing,understanding language, memory
broca’s area
Paul Broca, 1860. patient’s name is Tan. front association cortex.
great difficulties in speaking, and spoken language tends to be very slow and lacking in fluency. in contrast, the ability to comprehend speech is relatively good. PET scans. three kinds of problems:
1)amomia: difficulty in finding the right word.
2)agrammatism: difficulty in speaking in grammatical way.
3)articulation problems: many words are mispronounced.
Wernicke’s aphasia
patients who are able to speak, but who had a very poor ability to understand language. they speak fluent but in a meaningless way.CAT and MRI scans.
part of the left hemisphere in the middle and back areas of the superior temporal gyrus(part of the auditory association cortex).
1)pure word deafness
2)word comprehension
3)thought expression
Phrenology is a pseudoscience which involves the measurement of bumps on the skull to predict mental traits. It is based on the concept that the brain is the organ of the mind, and that certain brain areas have localized, specific functions or modules.
Broca’s aphasia (expressive aphasia)
speech comprehension is relatively good.
anomia, agrammatism, mispronunciation
damage to Broca’s area within the left frontal lobe and in adjacent parts of the frontal lobe, and subcortical white matter.
Wernicke’s aphasia (receptive aphasia)
pure word deafness, word comprehension difficulties
fluent but meaningless speech
damage to Wernicke’s area, within the left temporal lobe
corpus callosum
bridge between the two hemispheres
equipotentiality theory
suggests that the basic motor and sensory functions are localized, but that higher mental functions are not.