Localised and Non-Localised Systems Flashcards
Localised System - Helmholtz Free Energy
F = - N k T ln(Z1)
- where N is the number of particles
- k is Boltzmann’s constant
- T is temperature
- Z1 is the single particle partition function
Localised System - Entropy
S = Nkln(Z1) + NkT* [∂(lnZ1)/∂T]|v
Localised System - Internal Energy
E = N k T² * (∂(lnZ)/∂T)|v
- more than one state with the same energy
- denoted g, where gi = the number of states with energy εi
Localised System - Ratio of Occupancy
-the ration of occupancy of two states i and j is given by the Boltzmann factor for state i divided by the Boltzmann factor for state j:
ni/nj = exp(-εi/kT) / exp(-εj/kT)
ni/nj = exp(- (εi-εj)/kT )
Temperature at Which Ratio of Occupancy is α
T = -(εi-εj) / (k lnα) = - Δε (klnα)
Δε>0 => α<1
Δε<0 => α>1
-fewer in the high energy states
Localised System - Total Energy
E = Σ (N εi exp(-εi/kT)) / Z
summed between i=0 and i=N
Localised System - Average Energy
E = Σ (εi exp(-εi/kT)) / Z
summed between i=0 and i=N
-this is just the total energy divided by N
Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution Function
f(E) = exp(-Ei/kT) / Σ exp(-Ei/kT)
where the sum is between i=0 and i=N
-gives an e^(-x) shaped surve
Non-Localised System
The particles are moving around all the time so they are indistinguishable from each other
Energy levels are common to the entire container
Localised System
Particles are fixed in position so they are distinguishable
Non-localised System
Single Particle Partition Function
-replace sum with an integral over the density of states
∫ g(ε) e^(-ε/kT) dε
-where the integral is over all energies (between 0 and infinity)
-and g(ε) is the density of states
Single Particle Partition Function for an Ideal Gas
Z1 = V * [2πmkT/h²]^(3/2)
-where h is Planck’s constant
System Partition Function for Localised Particles
Z = (Z1)^N
Is the two level paramagnet a localised or non-localised system?