Localisation of function in the brain and hemispheric lateralisation Flashcards
What is localisation of function?
The theory that different areas of the brain are responsible for specific behaviors, processes or activities.
How is the idea of localisation and holistic theory different?
Localisation theory states the brain is made up of connected areas that carry out specific functions whereas holistic theory states the whole brain
works together.
What did Broca and Wernicke discover?
Discovered that particular areas of the brain were associated with particular functions (e.g. localisation). They disagreed with earlier scientists who
believed all parts of the brain were involved in the processing of information, thoughts and action (holism).
What did Broca and Wernicke argue for?
Localisation of function - the idea that different parts of the brain perform different tasks and are involved with different parts of the body.
If localisation is correct, damage to particular areas of the brain will always produce particular problems with function.
What is the main part of the brain called?
The cerebrum
What is the cerebrum divided into?
2 symmetrical halves called the left and right hemisphere.
How are the hemispheres controlled?
Activity on the left-hand side of the body is controlled by the right hemisphere and acivity on the right-hand side of the body by the left hemisphere.
What is the outer layer of both hemispheres called?
The cerebral cortex
Which 4 centres is the cortex of both hemispheres subdivided into?
The frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the occipital lobe and the temporal lobe
What is a lobe?
A part of an organ that is separate in some way from the rest. Each lobe of the brain is associated with different functions.
Which areas are found in the lobes?
The motor area, the somatosensory area, the visual area and the auditory area
Explain the function of the motor cortex
It is responsible for for generating voluntary motor movements. It controls voluntary movement in the opposite side of the body.
Explain the location of the motor cortex / area
It is located at the back of the frontal lobe in both hemispheres with each being responsible for the opposite side of your body
What does damage to the motor area mean?
Loss of control over fine movements.
Explain the function of the somatosensory cortex
This is where sensory information from the skin (touch, heat, pressure etc) is represented. Somatosensory cortex detects sensory information from
touch, producing the sensation of touch, pressure, pain and temperature.
Where is the somatosensory cortex/area located?
At the front of both parietal lobes. It is separated from the motor area by a ‘valley’ called the central sulcus.
What does damage to the somatosensory area mean?
Damage here means information from the senses is not being processed by the brain as it normally would.
Where is the visual cortex located?
In the occipital lobe at the back of the brain, with the optic nerve travelling from the eyes to the back. It spreads over both hemispheres, with each
responsible for the opposite side of the visual field.
Explain the function of the visual cortex
Each eye sends information from the right visual field to the left visual cortex and from the left visual field to the right visual cortex.
What does damage to the visual area mean?
Difficulty processing visual information. Damage to the left hemisphere can produce blindness in part of the right visual field of both eyes.
Explain the function of the auditory centres
They recognise sounds and analyse speech based information.
Explain the location of the auditory centres
Located in the temporal lobes of both hemispheres not far from the ears.
What does damage to the auditory area mean?
Difficulty processing auditory information. Damage may produce partial hearing loss.