Local & Systemic Control of Circulation Mutafova Flashcards
What are 2 ways that you can alter blood flow? How does this relate to Ohm’s Law?
By changing the resistance or the pressure of the vasculature.
Q (blood flow) = P1-P2/R
When resistance increases what happens to blood flow?
Resistance increases & blood flow decreases.
What is the equation for determing the resistance?
What happens to blood flow when the following occur?
Pressure difference increases
The radius of the blood vessel increases
The length of the vessel segment increases
The viscosity of the blood increases
Pressure increases–>Blood Flow increases
Radius of the blood vessel increases–>Blood flow increases
Length of the blood vessel segment increases–>Blood flow decreases
Viscosity of the blood increases–>Blood flow decreases
How does an increase in metabolism in a tissue or organ affect its blood flow?
It increases its blood flow. But just to meet its minimum requirements.
What are 4 regulatory mechanisms that can be used to alter blood flow?
Changing the heart pumping.
Changing the resistance of the vessels.
Changing the amt of blood pooled in the veins.
Changing the total extracellular fluid volume.
What is the idea of dual control of circulation in peripheral tissues?
The idea behind this is that you have intrinsic mechanisms that regulate blood flow (like the metabolites surrounding a tissue) & you have extrinsic mechanisms (like neural control). Although the intrinsic are very powerful for regulation, they are not enough & you still need extrinsic. The relative importance of these 2 mechanisms is different in different tissues.
Ex: Skin & Splanchnic: neural control is most important.
What are the 2 main categories of intrinsic mechanisms to regulation circulation?
Mechanism #1: Metabolic Release of Vasodilators Nutrient Deficiency in vascular smooth muscle naturally causes vasodilation as well. Mechanism #2: Myogenic Sudden Stretch Reduced Stretch
What are the 3 specific mechanisms that we should know for intrinsic regulation of flow?
Pressure Flow Autoregulation
Active Hyperemia
Reactive Hyperemia
What is Pressure Flow Autoregulation? What equation is it based on?
What category of intrinsic mechanisms does it fall into?
The idea is based on Q=deltaP/R.
It is that if you have a sudden increase in arterial pressure…you would naturally get an increase in blood flow.
However, if this is something that you want to control–>you can by increasing the resistance of the blood vessel. This gives constant flow.
Pressure rises & b/c of autoreg resistance will proportionally rise to maintain constant flow.
This is a myogenic mechanism. Sudden stretch–when the blood vessel feels the sudden stretch of increased pressure & blood flow it automatically constricts, increasing resistance.
T/F When you are exercising and all of a sudden less blood goes to your GI & more goes to your heart & muscles…this is an example of Pressure Flow Autoregulation.
False. This is not auto regulation. This has to do with overall homeostasis.
What are the limits to pressure flow auto regulation?
It can’t be maintained at pressures above 160mmHg (here the blood vessel is forced to dilate) or below 60 mmHg (here the blood vessel can’t dilate more than they are to compensate for this low of a pressure).
What is Active Hyperemia?
Increased blood flow in response to increased tissue activity.
Ex: what happens to certain tissues when you exercise.
What is Reactive Hyperemia?
This is increased blood flow in response to a sudden release of an occlusion. The blood flow goes beyond the normal limits after this release.
Ex: If the coronary branches of the heart were compressed & then released…they would experience reactive hyperemia & receive more blood flow than normal for a while.
What are the vasodilator metabolic theories?
W/o O2 & nutrients, vascular smooth muscle can’t contract.
In response:
Either a deficiency of O2 OR increased metabolism of a tissue causes the release of vasodilators.
Clearly, these tissues need more O2 & nutrients…they need more blood flow SO they dilate the blood vessels supplying them.
What are some vasodilator metabolites?
Think this through…
Low O2/High CO2
High Lactic Acid/Low pH (like skeletal muscle that needs more oxygen)
High Adenosine/HighPO4-/High ATP (high metabolism)
Increased Osmolarity (we’re secreting stuff b/c we’re doing stuff).
The Randos:
K+ (at high conc’n: vasoconstriction, BUT at low conc’n in some circumstances: vasodilation)
PgI2 (some prostaglandins cause vasoconstriction & some cause vasodilation).
Describe the interaction b/w the vascular endothelium & the smooth muscle that overlies it.
The endothelium can secrete substances that cause either vasodilation or vasoconstriction of the smooth muscle cells.
What can activate the endothelium to affect the vascular smooth muscle?
A variety of factors, including ACh, platelet aggregation, & sheer stress.
What types of factors can the endothelium release to cause vasodilation?
EDRF (endodermal derived relaxing factor) EDHF NO PgI2 Natriuretic Peptides
What causes the activation of the NO pathway in the endothelium?
Sheer Stress & some chemical substances. Chemical Substances: ACh Endotoxin Cytokines Bradykinin EDRF They all act to increase the intracellular calcium conc'n.
What is the effect of an increase in intracellular calcium in an endothelial cell on the NO pathway?
The increase in intracellular calcium activates the NOS (nitric oxide synthase).
this causes the formation of NO from Arginine.
Once NO is produced in an endothelial cell–>how does it produce vascular smooth muscle relaxation?
The NO diffuses across the endothelial & vascular smooth muscle membranes into the vascular smooth muscle cell.
It activates Guanylyl Cyclase.
the GC enzyme then converts GTP into cGMP which causes the vasorelaxation.
What is the entire NO pathway that causes vasorelaxation of vascular smooth muscle cells?
The endothelium is activated by sheer stress & chemical substances (including ACh, endotoxin cytokines, & bradykinin), which increase the intracellular calcium levels.
The increase in intracellular calcium activates the NOS enzyme, which forms NO from arginine.
The NO diffuses across the membranes into the vascular smooth muscle cells.
The NO activates guanylyl cyclase & forms cGMP from GTP.
The cGMP causes vascular smooth muscle cell relaxation through sequestration of intracellular calcium (less contraction).
What is the overall endothelial response to increased blood flow?
It decrease the velocity of the blood flow in response.
Increased blood flow=increased sheer stress.
Increased sheer stress=increased release of substances like EDRF.
EDRF causes synthesis of NO.
NO activates GC & forms cGMP.
Dilation thru sequestering of intracellular Ca++ & therefore less contraction.
The dilation decreases the velocity of the blood flow.
How does an increase in cGMP in the vascular smooth muscle cells cause vasodilation?
The increased cGMP causes sequestering of intracellular Ca++ & that decreases contractions.
What are the 2 main extrinsic regulatory mechanisms?
Hormonal & Neural Hormonal: Adrenal Medulla (NE & Epi) RAAS (renin angiotensin aldosterone system) Endothelins Kinins Natriuretic Peptides Neural: Symp: Heart & blood vessels Parasymp: really just the heart.
Which 2 hormones are released when the adrenal gland is stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system? Which one is mainly released?
Epi (80%)
Norepi (20%)
Review: what do alpha 1 receptors do?
This vasoconstriction will increase peripheral resistance & therefore increase BP.
Review: what do alpha 2 receptors do?
Usu: inhibit the release of NE at the presynaptic pre junctional complex.
In some cases: actually cause vasoconstriction of blood vessels, more often veins. But much less prevalent than alpha 1 receptors causing vasoconstriction.
Review: what do beta 1 receptors do?
Increase HR (tachycardia) pos. chronotropic effect
Increase myocardial contractility. pos. inotropic effect
Increase conduction to AV node– pos. dromotropic effect.
Review: what do beta 2 receptors do?
Cause vasodilation.
this somewhat decreases peripheral resistance & BP.
What can norepinephrine activate & WHAT CAN IT NOT ACTIVATE?
NE can activate alpha 1 & alpha 2 & beta 1 very well.
This means it can increase the heart action & cause vasoconstriction.
IT CAN’T ACTIVATE BETA 2. This means that it can’t cause vasodilation.
What can epinephrine activate & not activate?
Epi can activate (very well) beta 1 & beta 2 receptors & can activate (a little) alpha 1 & alpha 2. This means that Epi is mainly capable of causing vasodilation & increasing the action of the heart.
What can isoproterenol do & not do?
Isoproterenol is a synthetic catecholamine.
It can only activate beta 1 & beta 2. This means that it can only increase the action of the heart & cause vasodilation.
What is the effect of Epi alone on: cardiac output vascular resistance systolic BP diastolic BP Venous capacitance Muscle Flow Kidney Flow Splanchnic Flow
Epi alone: CO increases b/c of Beta1 stuff. Vascular resistance decreases b/c of Beta 2. Systolic BP increases b/c of Beta 1 Diastolic BP decreases b/c of Beta 2. Venous Capacitance decreases b/c of alpha 1. Muscle Flow increases b/c of Beta 2. Kidney Flow decreases b/c of alpha 1. Splanchnic Flow increases b/c of Beta 2.
What is the effect of NE alone on: cardiac output vascular resistance systolic BP diastolic BP Venous capacitance Muscle Flow Kidney Flow Splanchnic Flow
NE alone:
CO stays constant b/c of baroreceptor reflex.
Vascular Resistance increases b/c of alpha 1.
Systolic BP increases b/c of beta 1.
Diastolic BP increases b/c of alpha 1.
Venous Capacitance decreases b/c of alpha 1.
Muscle Flow decreases b/c of alpha 1.
Kidney Flow decreases b/c of alpha 1.
Splanchnic Flow decreases b/c of alpha 1.
What is the main effect of endothelins?
These are substances that are released from the endothelium that cause vasoconstriction. They work better in the veins than in the arteries.
Although the overall effect of the release of endothelins is the raising of the BP…they also cause an initial drop in BP b/c of the subsequent release of prostaglandins at the same time.
What are bradykinin & lysylbradykinin?
They are both vasodilators.
What is another name for ACE?
It is also called kininase II. It breaks down bradykinin & lysylbradykinin, which are vasodilators.
Why are ACE inhibitors so special–what are their 2 big effects?
Prevent the conversion of Ang I to Ang II & the increase in blood volume & TPR & BP associated w/ it.
They also prevent the breakdown that ACE usu does of vasodilators, such as bradykinin. This allows for more vasodilation.
Overall: Lower BP.
When are natriuretic peptides released & where?
The heart releases them during stretch.
What is the significance of pulmonary capillary wedge pressure?
An indirect measure of LA pressure.
What is the counter for the RAAS…something that can sense over stretching of the heart & go to town to reduce that blood pressure/blood volume!!
The NPs that are released from the heart b/c of over stretching. See concept map for details.
What are the 2 main actions of NP release & what are the 5 main effects?
2 main actions: Vasodilation Renal Effects--Natriuresis & Diuresis 5 Main effects: decreased blood volume decreased arterial pressure decreased central venous pressure decreased pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (estimate for LA pressure) decreased CO
Which arterioles have both alpha 1 & beta 2 adrenergice receptors…in these areas which predominates usually?
Coronary Arteries (beta-dilation) Skeletal Muscle (beta-dilation) Pulmonary (beta-dilation Abdominal Viscera (alpha-constriction) Renal (alpha-constriction)
With adrenergic stimulation, do veins usu experience constriction or dilation? Which receptors do they have?
Only alpha.
What is the autonomic feedback loop that can lower mean arterial pressure (the faster version of RAAS)?
Baroreceptors sense the mean arterial pressure is too high.
The vasomotor center increases parasympathetic activity & decreases sympathetic activity.
Increase in Parsymp Activity:
slows HR & decreases CO.
Decrease in Sympathetic Activity:
Decrease in HR–>Decrease in CO
Decrease in Contractility–>decrease in SV–>decrease in CO
Decrease in venous tone–>decrease in venous return–>decrease in stroke volume–>decrease in CO
Overall, decrease in CO & TPR…decrease in mean arterial pressure. Problem: corrected!!!
Why does an increase in venous tone increase venous return?
An increase in venous tone means a constriction of the veins.
This increases venous pressure.
This increases the pressure difference b/w venous pressure & RA pressure.
This increase in pressure difference means that there will be an increase in venous return.
Note: An increase in venous return means an increase in SV & CO & maybe even BP.
What are the extrinsic mechanisms that control arteriolar diameter?
Neural control (cause vasoconstriction) Humoral/Hormonal Control (cause vasoconstriction)
What are the intrinsic mechanisms that control arteriolar diameter?
Myogenic (cause vasoconstriction) Tissue Metabolites (cause vasodilation) Local Hormones (go either way) Endothelial Factors (go either way)
T/F Smooth muscle uses Ca++/Troponin C mechanism for muscle contraction.
It doesn’t use Troponin C.
It uses Ca++-calmodulin activated myosin light chain kinase. MLCK phosphorylates myosin LC 20, resulting in cross-bridge formation.
What causes the upstroke of the AP in smooth muscle cells?
It is the calcium current. Not the sodium current. Also note that smooth muscle cells don’t have a calcium plateau like some cardiac cells.
Which pathway does alpha 1 sympathetic activation & angiotensin II use to cause vasoconstriction of blood vessels? Note: many other things use this too.
It uses the PLC pathway.
The G protein coupled receptor is activated.
The alpha subunit activates phospholipase C
phospholipase C transforms PIP2 to IP3 & DAG.
IP3 causes release of Ca++ from the SR.
Ca++ & DAG cause activation of PKC.
The overall increase in intracellular calcium causes contraction of the smooth muscle cells–>vasoconstriction.
Aside from the PLC pathway, what is another way to get vasoconstriction?
Inhibition of a vasodilation pathway.
This happens w/ alpha 2 receptors & adenosine 1 receptors.
These are Gi inhibitory G coupled receptors.
They decrease the adenylyl cyclase activity.
This decreases the cAMP amounts in the cell.
This decreases the PKA activity.
This decreases the opening of the K+ channels.
For some reason this causes increased intracellular Ca++ too which is why there is vasoconstriction.
How can you get vasodilation from beta 2 & adenosine 2 receptors?
They have Gs coupled receptors.
This activates adenylyl cyclase.
This increase the amount of cAMP.
This activates PKA.
This opens K+ channels, which for some reason inhibits the release of calcium intracellularly.
The decrease in calcium causes decrease in contraction.
Thus, vasodilation. : )
So we’ve heard about NO & vasodilation & how NPs sorta function in a similar way. Describe this mechanism of vasodilation.
NO activates guanylyl cyclase. This increases the levels of cGMP. This activates PKG. Somehow this decreases intracellular Ca++ & causes vasorelaxation/vasodilation. Note: NPs use a G-protein coupled receptor. They activate a different guanylyl cyclase. This increases cGMP. Activates PKG. Decreases intracellular Ca++. Causes vasorelaxation/vasodilation.
What are the 3 molecular mechanisms for vasoconstriction?
- Stimulate the PLC Pathway
- Inhibit the adenylyl cyclase pathway
- inhibit the guanylyl cyclase pathway
What are the 3 molecular mechanisms for vasodilation?
- Inhibit the PLC Pathway.
- Stimulate the adenylyl cyclase pathway
- Stimulate the guanylyl cyclase pathway
T/F NO depends on G protein coupled activation of guanylyl cyclase to bring about vasodilation.
False. It diffuses intracellularly in its activation of GC. It never uses a G protein coupled receptor.
If we are talking alpha 1, angiotensin receptor, ET, 5HT blockers…which pathway are we blocking & what is the effect?
We are blocking the PLC pathway.
This prevents vasoconstriction. Produces vasodilation.
If we are talking alpha 2 & adenosine receptor 1…which pathway are we talking about & what is the effect?
The inhibition of the adenylyl cyclase pathway.
This would lead to vasoconstriction.
If we are talking beta 2 & adenosine 2 & isoproterenol…which pathway are we talking about & what is the effect?
Stimulating the adenylyl cyclase pathway.
This will cause vasodilation.
If we are talking NO, ANP, shear stress, thrombin, ET, atrial distension…which pathway are we talking about & what is the effect?
Stimulation of the Guanylyl cyclase pathway.
This will cause vasodilation.