Local Knowlege Flashcards
Name 5 things that constitutes a marine casualty?
a. An unintended grounding, or an unintended strike of (allision with) a bridge.
b. An intended grounding, or an intended strike of a bridge, that creates a hazard to navigation, the environment, or the safety of a vessel, or that meets any criterion of paragraphs (a) (3) through (7)
c. A loss of main propulsion, primary steering, or any associated component or control system that reduces the maneuverability of the vessel.
d. An occurrence materially and adversely affecting the vessel’s seaworthiness or fitness for service or route, including but not limited to fire, flooding, or failure of or damage to fixed fire-extinguishing systems, lifesaving equipment, auxiliary power-generating equipment, or bilge-pumping systems
e. A loss of life;
An injury that requires professional medical treatment
(treatment beyond first aid) and, if the person is engaged or employed on board a vessel in commercial service, that renders the individual unfit to perform his or her routine duties; or
f. An occurrence causing property-damage in excess of $25,000, this damage including the cost of labor and material to restore the property to its condition before the occurrence, but not including the cost of salvage, cleaning, gas-freeing, dry-docking, or demurrage.
Name 5 things that must go on the form when reporting a marine casualty?
The notice required in Section 4.05-1 must include the:
- name and official number of the vessel involved
- name of the vessel’s owner or agent
- nature and circumstances of the casualty
- locality in which it occurred
- nature and extent of injury to persons, and,
- damage to property
Who monitors channel 13?
Los Angeles and Long Beach Sectors.
List everything you know about the LA and LB pilot stations
Los Angeles: 1. Located at Pier 1, Berth 68 2. Call sign is KEB260 Lost Angeles Pilots 3. They use channel 73 and 13. 4. Tel # 310.519.9189 Long Beach 1. Located at Pier F, corner of berth 202. 2. Call sign is KMA 372 3. They use channels 74 and 12 4. Tel # 562.432.0664
Definition of an escort tug and assist tug?
“Tug Escort” refers to stationing tugs in proximity to a vessel during port transits to provide immediate assistance should a steering or propulsion failure occur. “Tug Assist” refers to positioning tugs alongside a vessel and applying force to assist making turns, reducing speed, providing propulsion and docking.
Where do escort tugs meet tankers?
Inbound, laden Oil and Chemical Tank Vessels shall not proceed closer than the seaward limit of the applicable Tank Vessel Escort Zone, as described in 851.22(c), unless the prescribed escort tug(s) are in position at the seaward limit of the applicable Tank Vessel Escort Zone.
Zone 1: Upon all waters within 2.0 nautical miles to seaward of the Federal Breakwater, escort tugs required for all laden tank vessels.
Zone 2: Upon all waters in the approaches to the Port of Long Beach within 3.5 nautical miles to seaward of the Federal Breakwater, escort tugs required for all laden tank vessels with static deep draft greater than 16.5 meters.
Zone 3: Upon all waters in the approaches to the Port of Los Angeles within 4.0 nautical miles to seaward of the Federal Breakwater, escort tugs required for all laden tank vessels with static deep draft greater than 14.0 meters.
How is the size of an escort tug determined?
TANKER FORCE SELECTION MATRIX Tanker Displacement Forces For Tug Tethered at Stern Metric Tons Short Tons 0 to < 60,000 10 60,000 to < 100,000 20 100,000 to < 140,000 30 140,000 to < 180,000 40 180,000 to < 220,000 50 220,000 to < 260,000 62 260,000 to < 300,000 75 300,000 to < 340,000 87 340,000 to < 380,000 105 380,000 to < 420,000 128
Min UKC for transits from LB to LA?
Shifts via outer harbor between Los Angeles and Long Beach, minimum under-keel clearance is 3.0’ (0.91 m).
While underway to berth your ship experiences an environmental disaster what do you do next?
Secure any sources of ignition Cease moving the vessel if safe and practical to do so Notify National Response Center Notify VTC Security call on VHF channel 13 & 16 Notify all hands Assist if possible
Speed limits in LA and LB?
Tank Vessels:
Precautionary area (approach to port): …………………12.0 kts
Between the seaward limits of the applicable tank vessel escort zone and anywhere inside the Federal Breakwater (except where lower speed limits apply):
Displacements less than 60,000 metric tons: ……….8.0 kts
Displacements of 60,000 metric tons and more: … 6.0 kts
Other than Tank Vessels: Precautionary area (approach to port): ......................12.0 kts
Long Beach(LB Port Tariff)
Within the Main Channel between the breakwater entrance and light “6”……10.0 kts
Everywhere else in the harbor: ………………………………6.0 kts
Los Angeles (LA Port Tariff):
Outer Harbor (between the breakwater and Reservation Point) if draft greater than 1.5 meters: …………………. 10.0 kts
West Channel, Fish Harbor, marinas, yacht anchorage ……………. 4.4 kts
Everywhere else in the harbor……………………………….. 6.0 kts
What is the variation and annual rate of change?
As of 2016: 12.00E with an annual decrease of 5’
What is the purpose of VTS?
To provide seamless navigational information to improve vessel transit safety. It provides mariners with timely, relevant and accurate information for the purpose of enhancing safe, environmentally sound and efficient maritime transportation.
List everything about the 3 sectors of VTS?
San Pedro VTC is from the federal breakwater out to the 25nm radius from Pt. Fermin. They operate on VHF-FM Ch. 14.
LA VTC is on the LA side, inside the breakwater from the eastern edge of pier 400 in to the Henry Ford Ave bridge. They operate on VHF-FM Ch. 73
LGB VTC is inside the breakwater in to the Henry Ford Ave bridge on the eastern side. They operate on VHF-FM Ch. 74
Requirements for taking a pilot in LA?
All vessels 300 gross registered tons and over and all foreign vessels leaving, entering, or shifting within the Port of Los Angeles are subject to pilotage. Vessels licensed and engaged in the fishing trade and enrolled vessels of the United States under the direction of an officer federally licensed for the port are exempt from pilotage.
When are you required to take a drug/alcohol test?
When there is a Serious Marine Incident
Alcohol tests are to be conducted not later than 2 hours (unless there are casualty directly related safety concerns) and drug test specimens collected not later than 32 hours after a Serious Marine Incident. Public vessels and recreational vessels are excepted from these reporting requirements. (WHY SHOULD THEY BE????)
A. Any marine casualty or accident that occurs upon the navigable waters of the U.S., its territories or possessions, or that involves a U.S. vessel anywhere, and that results in any of the following:
1. One or more deaths;
2. Any injury to a crewmember, passenger, or other person which requires professional medical treatment beyond first aid; and, in the case of a person employed on board a vessel in commercial service, which renders the individual unfit to perform routine vessel duties;
3. Damage to property, as defined in 46 CFR 4.05-1(f), in excess of $100,000;
4. Actual or constructive total loss of any vessel subject to inspection under 46 U.S.C. 3301; or
5. Actual or constructive total loss of any self-propelled vessel, not subject to inspection under 46 U.S.C. 3301, of 100
gross tons or more.
B. A discharge of oil of 10,000 gallons or more into the
navigable waters of the United States, as defined in 33 U.S.C. 1321, whether or not resulting from a marine casualty.
C. A discharge of a reportable quantity of a hazardous substance into the navigable waters of the United States, whether or not resulting from a marine casualty.
D. A release of a reportable quantity of a hazardous substance into the environment of the United States, whether or not resulting from a marine casualty.
List 3 requirements while at anchor?
Licensed English speaking officer on watch maintaining a listening watch on VHF 13 & 16, frequent checks that anchor is not dragging, and ensure when winds over 40 knots that engines are on standby and second anchor is ready to let go.
What LA approach buoy has a racon on it?
Buoy #3
How can you obtain 24 hour weather info?
On NOAA weather stations KWO-37 162.550 MHz(WX1) or WWG-21 164.450 MHz(WX5)
When visibility is less than 0.5 miles traffic will impose what?
i. When visibility inside the federal breakwater is less than 0.5 mile, the respective vessel traffic center (VTC) will impose one-way traffic restrictions when and where appropriate.
ii. When commencing a vessel movement in reduced visibility, as defined in Section 2.b. above, shoreside radar assistance and carry-on enhanced navigational tools such as a Portable Pilot Unit (PPU) shall be readily available for use.
iii. When reduced visibility is encountered after commencing a transit, the operating pilot should take appropriate precautions to minimize the risk of collision. Precautions may include but are not limited to continuing the transit or anchoring, reducing speed, enlisting shore-based radar support and securing additional tug assistance.
What is the mean tide, diurnal tide, range of tide, and charted tidal datum?
Mean Range: 3.8’
Diurnal Range: 5.5’
Charted Tidal Datum is MLLW
What is the turning diameter of the LA turning basin?
West Basin 1394’, Main Basin 1572’, East Basin 1287’, P400 Basin 1800’, P300 Basin ???
In long beach, where might one experience bank cushion and suction and how can its effects be reduced?
In the back channel between P121 and GD bridge. Reduce speed!
What defines an active VTS user?
PDV over 40m, towing vessel 8m or more while working, vessel certified to carry 50 or more passengers for hire, while in trade under sail or power.
What are the horizontal and vertical distances of the Vincent Thomas Bridge?
On chart it’s 1150’ x 185’(middle 500) 165’ at channel limits. Notes say 188.2’ dead center above MHW (4.7’ at Mormon Island), 185.7’ (middle 500’)
What is the vertical clearance for the power cables strung across the Cerritos channel?
What specific local charts and publications must a pilot have access to and maintain.
A currently corrected chart of the area to be transited of a large enough scale to make safe navigation possible. U.S.C.P. 7, USCG Light List, tides and currents for the area to be transited.
Where are the LA fireboat stations located?
B44, Fish Harbor, B86 & B195
You are on an inbound ship within 1 nm of Queens Gate and observe a fleet of sailboats moving eastward approaching the number three buoy and hoisting their spinnakers and it appears they will continue east towards the delta anchorage. What should you do?
Make a safety call on VHF 74, attempt to call sailing vessels on VHF16, slow to bare steerage, sound danger signal. Sailboats are impeding a vessel in a narrow channel. I have the right of way.
You are on a laden tanker preparing to enter Queens Gate, what is the maximum draft for a minus 1ft tide for the transit.
Depends on the berth, but the max draft in the main channel would be 68’, assuming 75’ of water available (1 foot less than project depth). This allows for the required 10% of draft as minimum UKC. (68’ x 1.10 = 74.8’)
You are on a ship entering the LA pilot station bound for berth 208, what is the minimum UKC for transit?
Minimum required is 2’ and vessel must remain afloat during approach and while at berth.
The standards of care for reduced visibility state, whenever visibility inside the federal breakwater is less than .5nm the Los Angeles/ Long Beach traffic center will impose______________ where appropriate
One-way traffic
You are the master of a tug, with a tow on approach to Long Beach. You will enter the harbor, brake tow and proceed to berth. Describe the sequence of events.
Make initial call to San Pedro VTS with name/call sign, position, course, speed, destination, pilot intentions, ETA, known navigation or machinery issues – reduce speed to 12 knots at Precautionary Area. At the precautionary area, call SP VTS again with name, call sign, notifying them that master is on bridge and all propulsion machinery has been tested ahead and astern, contact pilots if using, ETA to pilot or breakwater. Five minutes prior to VTC boundary at the breakwater, notify VTC of name, call sign and position and intention to break tow inside breakwater and that you will be proceeding to berth after breaking tow.
What does the 33 CFR 165.1109 say about the LA and Long Beach deep water pilot areas?
12 knot speed limit, engines ready for maneuver, 0.25 min CPA, no vessels can enter the RNA unless entering or departing Angels Gate, no loitering unless taking or leaving a pilot. No other vessels may enter the deep water traffic lanes at LA & LGB when a vessel deeper than 50’ is using the lane. When a vessel deeper than 50’ is taking or dropping a pilot at LA, no other vessel may enter the deep water pilot area.
- What are the following concerning the LA pilot station:
a) Location?
b) What channel do they use?
c) What is the call sign?
Pier 1, B68
Ch 73 (156.675 MHz)
KEB260 Los Angeles Pilots
What are the regulations concerning the radio listening watch?
Must be a licensed, English speaking officer on VHF 13 & 16 (and 14 outside and 74 inside LGB).
Describe the three sectors of the VTS
San Pedro VTC is from the federal breakwater out to the 25nm radius from Pt. Fermin. LA VTC is on the LA side, inside the breakwater from the eastern edge of pier 400 in to the Henry Ford Ave bridge. LGB VTC is inside the breakwater in to the Henry Ford Ave bridge on the eastern side.
Name three areas where one way traffic is recommended in Long beach.
At the breakwater, in the Harbor Restricted area off Pier J to inside the Navy Mole, and the Back Channel.