Local Anesthetics I (Exam IV) Andy's Cards Flashcards
What was the first local anesthetic?
Is cocaine an ester or amide?
Cocaine is an ester.
What was cocaine first used for and what was the effect?
Ophthalmology (1884)
Local vasoconstriction: shrink nasal mucosa.
What was the first synthetic ester developed in 1905?
What was the first synthetic amide developed in 1943?
Gold Standard
What are the 3 types of uses mentioned in ppt for Local Anesthetics (LAs)?
- Treat dysrhythmias
- Analgesia: Acute and chronic pain
- Anesthesia- ANS Blockade, Sensory Anesthesia, Skeletal Muscle Paralysis
What antiarrhythmic Drug Class is lidocaine in?
Class I: Sodium Channel Blockers
MAGA: What is the intra-op infusion dose of lidocaine?
1 mg/kg over an hour
What is the IV dose of Lidocaine?
- 1 to 2 mg/kg IV (initial bolus) over 2 - 4 min.
- 1 to 2 mg/kg/hour (drip)
When should lidocaine be terminated?
Terminate within 12 - 72 hours
Dose Dependent Effects of Lidocaine if plasma lidocaine concentration is 1-5 mcg/ml.
Dose Dependent Effects of Lidocaine if plasma lidocaine concentration is 5-10 mcg/ml.
- Circum-oral numbness
- Tinnitus
- Skeletal muscle twitching
- Systemic hypotension
- Myocardial depression
Dose Dependent Effects of Lidocaine if plasma lidocaine concentration is 10-15 mcg/ml.
- Seizures
- Unconsciousness
Dose Dependent Effects of Lidocaine if plasma lidocaine concentration is 15-25 mcg/ml.
- Apnea
- Coma
Dose Dependent Effects of Lidocaine if plasma lidocaine concentration is >25 mcg/ml.
- Cardiovascular Depression
Describe the components that make up the molecular structure of lidocaine.
Lipophilic Portion (Aromatic Section)
Hydrocarbon Chain
Hydrophilic (Amino Group)
Bond between the lipophilic portion and the hydrocarbon chain will determine if LA is an ester or an amide.
What structural component of a LA determines if it is an ester or an amide?
Bond between the lipophilic portion and the hydrocarbon chain will determine if LA is an ester or an amide.
What type of local anesthetic would you anticipate from the figure below?
Ester due to the ester bond between the aromatic and the intermediate chain
What type of local anesthetic would you anticipate from the figure below?
Amide due to the amide bond between the aromatic and the intermediate chain
Local anesthetics will typically have a pH of _____ and are weak _______. ?
pH of 6; weak bases
A majority of LA are weak bases
Increased potency generally correlates to increased __________.
Which ester is the most potent?
What 3 local anesthetics will exhibit the highest degree of protein binding?
- Bupivacaine
- Levobupivacaine
- Ropivacaine
Which two local anesthetics will have the most rapid onset?
Which 3 LA will have the highest protein binding?
Levobupivacaine (>97%)
Bupivacaine (95%)
Ropivacaine (94%)
Lipid solubility correlates to _______ of the drug.
Which LA has the highest lipid solubility?
Which has the lowest?
- potency
- Tetracaine
- Procaine
pK values closer to a pH of ___________ will have the fastest onset of action.
7.35 - 7.45
Which three local anesthetics have pK values closest to 7.35-7.45 ?
- Lidocaine (pK = 7.9)
- Prilocaine (pK = 7.9)
- Mepivacaine (pK = 7.6)
Which ester has the greatest degree of lipid solubility?
Which amide has the greatest degree of lipid solubility?
Bupivacaine (28)
Tetracaine (80)
How do liposomes and local anesthetics interact?
What is the result?
- Liposomes unload LA’s into tissue at a controlled rate.
- Prolonged duration of action & decreased toxicity
The FDA released this local anesthetic that contains liposomes and can last up to 96 hours.
Exparel - (Bupivacaine ER)
What is the mechanism of action of Local Anesthetics?
- Binds to voltage-gated Na+ channels
- Block/inhibit Na+ passage in nerve membranes
Slowed rate of depolarization - does not reach threshold potential, so no action potential
LA must be non-ionized and lipid-soluble to go through the cell membrane and block the Na+ gated channel from within the cell.
What two chemical things will cause a local anesthetic to not work anymore?
Becoming water-soluble and ionized.
What factors affect the degree of blockade seen from local anesthetics?
- Lipid solubility or non-ionized form
- Repetitively stimulated nerve (↑ sensitivity)
- Diameter of the nerve (↑ diameter, ↑ LA need)
What happens when you expose LA (a weak base) to an acidic environment?
LA becomes ionized.
When LA becomes ionized, it will not cross cell membrane to block Na+ gated channels.
What other receptors can be targeted by local anesthetics besides sodium channels?
- Potassium channels
- Calcium Ion Channels
- G protein-coupled receptors
Minimum Effective Concentration or Cm (LAs) = _________ (Volatile Agents)
What component of the local anesthetic is required for the conduction block?
Non-ionized form (equates with lipid solubility)
Larger fibers need _____ concentrations of LAs.
The diameter of motor nerve is how many times larger than the diameter of the sensory nerve.
How many nodes of Ranvier need to be blocked to equate to 1 cm of local anesthesia?
At least 2, preferably 3 Nodes of Ranvier to prevent the conduction (Minimum Effect Concentration)
If a LA were given as a spinal anesthetic, which fibers would be affected the fastest?
What signs and symptoms would you see?
Pre-ganglionic B fibers (SNS)
Hypotension and increased HR (compensatory)
What fibers are blocked if the patient can’t tell if they are being poked by a sharp needle?
- Myelinated A and B fibers (sensory)
What nerve types are typically affected last when administering LA through the epidural/spinal?
What sensations are the last to be affected?
- Myelinated A-δ and unmyelinated C-fibers
- Touch and pressure, and proprioception
Place in order the fibers that are affected first to last when administering a local anesthetic.
- Preganglionic B fibers
- A-myelinated fibers and B fibers
- Myelinated A-δ and unmyelinated C-fibers
Which patient population will have increased sensitivity and be harder to block?
Harder or easier?
pKa values closer to physiologic pH result in a _____ rapid onset
Because the pKA of LA’s are 8, less than ______% of the drug is in lipid-soluble nonionized form.
If a LA has vasodilator activity, what happens to its potency?
What happens to the duration of action?
LA is less potent
↓ Duration of action
Because Lidocaine is a vasodilator, it will have ________ systemic absorption.
Because Lidocaine has vasodilator activity, there is (greater/less) _______ systemic absorption. Resulting in a (shorter/longer) ________ duration of action at the site of injection.
- greater
- shorter
Factors that influence the absorption of LA.
- Site of injection
- Dosage
- Epinephrine use
- Pharmacologic characteristics of the drug
List the uptake of Local Anesthetics Based on Regional Anesthesia Technique from highest blood concentration to lowest blood conc.
I Tan Completely Purple Even Before Sun Set
________is the primary determinant of potency
Lipid solubility
The rate of clearance is dependent on what two factors?
- Cardiac output
- Protein binding:
Note: % bound is inversely related to % plasma.
(40% albumin-bound means 60% will float freely in plasma.)
Which LA will metabolize the fastest?
Chloroprocaine (0%) > Procaine (6%) d/t the smallest % of protein binding.
Which amides will metabolize the slowest?
- Bupivacaine
- Levobupivacaine
- Ropivacaine
Why is it important to know the metabolizing rate of LA?
Re-dosing of LA
Where are Amide local anesthetics metabolized?
Liver via CYP 450’s
Which Amide is most rapidly metabolized?
Prilocaine 55% (lowest protein binding)
Which Amides exhibit intermediate metabolism?
- Lidocaine (70%)
- Mepivacaine (77%)
Which Amides exhibit the slowest metabolism?
- Bupivacaine (95% protein binding)
- Ropivacaine (94% protein binding)
How are esters metabolized?
Hydrolyzed by cholinesterases in plasma
Cocaine, being an ester, is primarily metabolized via plasma cholinesterases. T/F?
False. Primarily hydrolyzed by liver cholinesterases > plasma cholinesterases. All other esters hydrolyzed by plasma > liver
What is the metabolite of esters?
What is the significance of this metabolite?
- ParaAminoBenzoic acid (PABA)
- Common cause of Allergies
Is there cross-sensitivity between an amide allergy to an ester allergy?
Are amides or esters, generally slower at metabolizing?
Amides are slower at metabolism.
(CYP450s instead of plasma cholinesterases)
What are the most common LAs that have first-pass pulmonary extraction?
- Lidocaine
- Bupivacaine (dose dependent)
- Prilocaine
The poor water solubility of local anesthetics usually limits renal excretion of unchanged drug to less than ______%
The exception is ______, of which 10% to 12% of unchanged drug is in urine.
Water-soluble metabolites of local anesthetics, such as _______ resulting from metabolism of ester local anesthetics, are readily excreted in urine.
The poor water solubility of local anesthetics usually limits renal excretion of unchanged drug to less than 5%
The exception is cocaine, of which 10% to 12% of unchanged drug is in urine.
Water-soluble metabolites of local anesthetics, such as PABA resulting from metabolism of ester local anesthetics, are readily excreted in urine.
In general, the more lipid soluble the local anesthetic is, the greater the potency. T/F
Which local anesthetic property is most important regarding the duration of action?
Lipid Solubility (most important)
Place the three factors below in order of importance for affecting duration of action?
- Protein Binding
- Clearance
- Lipophilicity
- Lipid Solubility (most important)
- Clearance
- Protein binding
How will pregnancy affect
plasma cholinesterase levels?
Lower levels of plasma cholinesterases
Caution with LA that are esters, bigger impact with normal doses
Ester LAs are still given to pregnant women because the effects of the amide LAs are detrimental to the fetus.
What classification of LAs is more likely to cause ion trapping thus affecting fetal health?
Ion trapping will lead to LA toxicity in the placenta.
What is ion trapping?
The pH in the fetal environment is more acidic than in maternal circulation.
ChatGPT explanation: In the fetal context, the concern is that even though the ionized drug may be less active, it could accumulate to levels that might still be harmful because the fetus has a different and less mature system for processing and eliminating drugs compared to adults. The ion trapping can lead to a higher concentration of the drug within the fetal circulation, which might expose the fetus to effects that could be undesirable or harmful, even if the drug is in its less active, ionized form.
If there is ion trapping in the placenta, what can be given to adjust the pH?
Sodium Bicarb
Protein Bound:
Arterial Concentration:
Protein Bound: 95%
Arterial Concentration: 0.32
Protein Bound :
Arterial Concentration:
Protein Bound: 70%
Arterial Concentration: 0.73
Protein Bound:
Arterial Concentration:
Protein Bound: 55%
Arterial Concentration: 0.85
What is the major metabolite of lidocaine?
What is Lidocaine’s max infiltration dose?
- 300 mg solo
- 500 mg with epi
Lidocaine will have prolonged clearance with ______
Pregnancy Induced Hypertension
What is prilocaine’s primary metabolite?
What is the issue with this metabolite?
Metabolite: Orthotoluidine
The metabolite converts Hemoglobin to Methemoglobin, resulting in Methemoglobinemia.
What is the result of Methemoglobinemia?
Fe3+ (ferric iron) is not capable of carrying O2
What is the max dose of prilocaine?
400 mgs
What is the treatment for methemoglobinemia secondary to prilocaine overdose?
Methylene Blue
- 1 to 2 mg/kg IV over 5 mins (initial dose)
- Total dose not to exceed 8 mg/kg (over 24 hours)
Mepivacaine is similar to Lidocaine except:
- Longer duration of action
- Lacks vasodilator activity
Can Mepivacaine be given in pregnant patients?
No. Prolonged elimination in fetus
What plasma protein does Bupivacaine bind to?
95% bound to α1-Acid glycoprotein
Protein Binding
Metabolism: Hepatic cytochrome P450 enzymes
Metabolites: Can accumulate with uremic patients
Lesser system toxicity than Bupivacaine
Protein Binding: α1-acid glycoprotein
Metabolism: Liver
MOA: inhibits the activity of normal butyrylcholinesterase (plasma cholinesterase) by more than 70%
What is procaine’s primary metabolite?
Tetracaine metabolism is slower than ______
Which of the following local anesthetics will have the highest rate of metabolism?
Chloroprocaine (fastest level of metabolism) > procaine > tetracaine (slowest)
What is Benzocaine used for?
Uses: Topical anesthesia of mucous membranes:
Overdose of Benzocaine can lead to ________.
OD of Benzocaine can lead to Methemoglobinemia
What makes Benzocaine unique?
Weak acid instead of a weak base, like most LA.
pKa = 3.5
How is cocaine metabolized?
Who should receive decreased amounts of cocaine?
Metabolized by liver cholinesterase > plasma cholinesterase
Decrease cocaine use in parturients, neonates, the elderly, and severe hepatic disease
When should one be cautious when administering cocaine?
Cocaine can cause coronary vasospasm, ventricular dysrhythmias, HTN, tachycardia, and CAD.