Local anesthetic systemic toxicity Flashcards
What is LAST?
a constellation of clinical symptoms associated with high plasma levels of local anesthetic-ranging from dizziness to complete cardiovascular collapse
What are the neuro symptoms of LAST?
seizure, agitation, loss of consciousness, dysarthria, perioral numbness, tinnitus, dizziness, dysphoria
What are cardio signs of LAST?
bradycardia/asystole, hypotension, tachycardia, VF/VT, hypertension
Seizure from other causes
Brady or tachy from other causes
How do you manage LAST-what do you do first?
Then what (it’s critical to prevent)
Halt what?
Circulatory support and can you use pressors? What is the antiarrhytmic of choice?
Lipid emulsion therapy?
Stop injecting LA, call for help
Ensure adequate oxygenation and ventilation–this initial step is CRITICAL in preventing hypoxia and acidosis (both of which potentiate local anesthetic toxicity)
Halt seizures-benzos are first line (2-4 mg of midaz)-you could give small doses of prop, but CV depression is a concern
Cir support-IV crystalloid
chest compression if pulselessness, ACLS. Pressors are controversial-if cardiac arrest occurs-epi should be used in small doses (10-100 micrograms)
DO NOT USE vasopressin, CCBs, betablockers or lidocaine in tx of cardiac arrest or arrhythmias-amiodarone is the anti-arrythmic drug of choice?
Lipid emulsion therapy-consider administering at the FIRST sign of toxicity
Lipid emulsion therapy-what is the dose? The infusion dose, if not stability not attained, then what? How does it work? If all else fails, then what ?
consider administering at the FIRST sign of toxicity
Dose: 1.5 mL/kg of 20% lipid emulsion bolus (usually 100 mL for most adults)
Infusion of 0.25 mL/kg/min for at least 10 minutes AFTER return of circulatory stability
If stability not attained then consider rebolusing and increasing infusion dose to 0.5 mL/kg/min
Max dose: 10 mL/kg over first 30 minutes.
Don’t use prop d/t fact that amt required to achieve an effect would cause profound circulatory depression?
If all esle fails-CPB if available
Works by acting as a lipid sink? The lipid droplets facilitate accelerated redistribution of drug X to the skeletal muscle and to the liver where it is conjugated to permit
Why is hypercarbia bad with LAST?
Hypercarbia – Increased PaCO2 lowers the seizure threshold with local anesthetic administration.