Local anaesthetic Flashcards
Discuss risk assessment of LA toxicity
Most cases of LA toxicity are iatrogenic from inadvertent intracascular administration
Clinical manifestation correspond to the concentration achieved in the systemic ciruclation
Onset is rapid
Methaemoglobinaemia is not dose related but is more likley to complicate administration of benzocaine, lignocaine or prilocaine
Children: Paediatric fatalities are reported following ingestion of lignocaine containing local and topcial agents but doses up to 6mg/kg ingested are safe. Children are more likley to develop methaemoglininaemia after LA administration
Discuss maximum doses of LA
Lignocaine 3mg/kg or 7mg/kg with adrenaline
Bupivicaine 1-2.5mg/kg
Prilocaine 5-7mg/kg
Ropivicaine 2.5-3mg/kg
Discuss the toxic mechanisms of LA
Bind reversibily to sodium channes and act on peripheral nerves to inhibit sodium flux necessary to intiaite and propogate APs. Local anaethetic agents esepcially benzocaine, lignocaine and prilocaine may also cause methaemoglobinaemia
Discuss toxicokinetics of LAs
Amide LA can be administered Topciall, sub cut, IV for regional block, epidural and intrathecal.
Systemic toxic effect correspond to peak concentation acheived in the systemic circulation and this is affect by muliple factors - total dose, rate of administration, route and location of administration, presence of torniquets and local blood flow
Toxcitity is rare after oral ingestion due to significant 1st pass metabolism
The amides have a small VD and a eliminated by hepatic metabolism, with elimination half life of around 2 hours for most agents
Discuss clinical features of LA toxicity
Earliset symptoms of LA toxcitiy are neurological
-Tinnitus, dizziness, anxiety, confusion and perioral numbness
More severe toxicity is characterised by
- CNS effects – seizure and commoa
- -CVS - bradycardia, hypotension, atrial and ventricular dysrhythmias, CVS collapse and asystole
- -Resp - respiratory depression and apnoea
In general neuro symptoms are the earliest sign of toxicity unless a massive OD has been taken in which case CVS collapse can be presenting compaint
Bupivicaine is particularly cardiotoxic due to prolonged binding of myocardial tissue
Methaemoglobinaemia is not dose rleated- it manifest intiially as blue discolouration of the mucous membrans but may progress to CNS and CVS manifestation of cellular hypoxia, culminating in death as concentration rise above 70%
Discuss IX of LA toxicity
EUC, ABGs, methaemoglobin concentration
serial ECG for Nas channel blockade signs (prolonged PR and QRS, large terminal Rwave in AVR)
Discuss management of LA intoxiciation
-Ventricular arrythmias should be treated with repeated boluses of bicarb 100mEq (1-2mEq/kg in children) repeated every 1-2 minutes until ECG resolution
-Seizures are terated with benzo
D- not indicated
e- not indicated
A- Sodi bic, intralipid, methylene blue if methaemoglobiaemia suspected
D- Children with ingested do not need observation unless >6mg/kg. Once resus high-dependency or ICU
Discuss indication for Methylene blue
Indication indclude symptomatic drug induced methaemoglobinaemia (signs of hypoxaemia with chet pain, dyspnoea or confusion) (nitrates, local anaethetics)
Consider in patient with Met HB of> 20%
Has also been used in anaphylactic and toxic shock states where hypotension persists despite vasopressors
Discuss contraindications for Methylene blue
G6pD defeincy as unable to reduce mehtylene blue to leucomehtylene blue. Haemolysis may also occur
Renal impairment – dose adjustment
Methaemoglobinaemia reducatse defiency
Nitrite induce methaemoglobinaemia followint the treatment of cyanide poisoingin
Discuss the mechanisms of action of methylene blue
Dramatically increase the natural rate of reduction of methb to hb. It is reduced to leukomethylene blue by methaemoglobin reductase which in turn reduces met HB to HB
Inhibts nitric oxide synthase and guanylate cyclase and scavengers endothelial nitiric oxide it appear to have both vasconstrictive and positive inotorpic effect
Once reduced to leukomethylene blue is largely excreted in the urine
Discuss the administration and therapeutic end point of using methylene blue
Administer 1-2mg/kg IV slowly over 5 minutes followed by a normal saline flush to minimise venous irritation
Met Hb levels should be measured hourly until a consistent fall is documented – usually respond to a single dose howevere 1-2mg/kg can be repeated after 30-60 minutes if the initial response is inadequate
In rare instances of dapsone poisoning where persistant formation of metHB occurs repeated doses of methylene blue may be needed
Single dose of 1-2mg/kg has been suggested as an adjunct to shocked patients
End point is resolution of symptoms of hypoxaemia, reduced metHB % stabilistation of HD parameters
Patients with pre-exisiting condition that can intefere with oxygenation such as anaemia or coronary artery disease may need to be treated at levels of Met HB of 10%
Pulse ox is unreliable as both metHB and methylene blue can interfere with it
Discuss adverse reaction to methylene blue
Local pain and irritation at the site of injection is common, extravasation can lead to tissue necrosis
Common non spefific symptoms include headahce, dizziness, restlessness, nausea, vomiting, chest discomfort and SOB
Blue staining of mucous membranes
Can cause a paradoxically methaemoglobinaemia when given in hgih doses secondary to direct oxidative effect on HB
ACute haemolytic anaemia may occur in G6PD
Discuss differentials if metHB is not falling with methylene blue
- Massive ongoing exposure to oxidising agents
- sulfahaemoglobinaemia
- G6PD - defiency
- Methaemoglobin reductase defiency
- Abnormal HB
- Excessive methylene blue administration
Discuss Toxicological indictionas for intralipid
Local anaethetic induced cardiotoxcitiy, resistant to resus protocols
Consider in refractory cardiac instability or arrest in the context of acute poisoning with highly lipid soluble agents, including propanalol, TCA and verapamil
Contra-indications inldude hypersensitivity to egg, soya or peanut protein
Discuss mechanisms of action of intralipid
1) introduction of an intravascular lipid phase that extracts agent from tissue binding sites
2) increased myocardial ATP synthesis due to reversal of inhibition of fatty acid delivery to mitochondira
3) restoration of myocyte function by activation of calcium and potassium channesl and an increase in intracellular calcium
Discuss administration of intralipid and therapeutic end points
Give 1-1.5ml/kg IVLE 20% as IV bolus over 1 minute
Repeat bolus once or twice at 3-5 minute intervals
Then if required
Infuse IVLE 0.25ml/kg/minutes until HD stable
Increase 0.5ml/kg//min if hypotension persists
increaseing the dose above 8ml/kg is unlikley to be beneficial
End point
Return of ROSC with stabilisation of haemodynamic parameters. Infusion can be restarted if hypotension returns
Discuss contraindications to intralipid
Immediate allergy
Pulmonary hypertension, acute lung injury, haematuria, hypertriglyceridaemia and pancreatitis
Pregnancy - saftey not established but should not be witheld if life threatening condition
Paeds – nil reported cases but should be witheld