Loan Words/English Flashcards
quid pro quo
-qui=who pro= for
This quid pro quo strategy seemed to make people rich.
Something for Something
She is a teacher ergo she likes teaching kids.
–ad hoc
adhi-near Sanskrutt
when necessary or needed
- She wouldn’t understand how ad hoc this cake was for my birthday.
It was almost like the teacher felt schadenfeude when her student fell.
Joy from humiliation of others
je ne sais quoi
This cake is more than good its, je ne said quoi, but just know It’s good.
I don’t know what
raison d’être
The raison d’être to global warming is to simply become more educated about the world, and help aid the fight agaisnt the everchanging climate.
-Purpose -Solution
Ad hominem
Attacking the person, and not addressing the actual argument.
False generalization
Where someone concludes something through false, or not enough information.
Appeal to authority
Using an authoritative person to make people look over the facts.
Appeal to fear
Using fear to make people act how you want them to act.
post hoc ergo propter hoc
The conclusion is that something is going to or happen because something else happened.
correlation (cum hoc ergo propter hoc)
The conclusion is being made at the same time as the information being given.
Straw Man
When you’re arguing with someone change what they said slightly to make arguing easier.
Diversion (whataboutism)(tu quoque)
Win the argument by changing the subject.