LO4 Flashcards
What are the first aid regulations 1981?
- Provision for first aid
- Completes a needs assessment
- Must have a designated first aider
- Have up to date staff training
What are the responsibilities of a first aider?
- Prevent danger to others
- Do not provide medical aid
- Prevent patients conditions from getting worse
- Prevent delay in recovery for patient
- Prevent harmful intervention
What must staff know for first aid work?
- Importance of preventing cross infection
- Needs for recording incidents
- How to use equipment
- Read situations to act promptly and effectively
Minimum requirements in a first aid kit?
- Leaflet on first aid advice
- 20 individually wrapped STERILE plasters
- 2 STERILE eye patches
- 2 STERILE individual triangular bandages
- 6 safety pins
- 2 large STERILE wound dressings
- 6 medium STERILE wound dressings
- 3 pairs of DISPOSABLE gloves
What are the symptoms of someone who is choking?
Can’t cry, talk, cough or breathe
What to do if a baby is choking?
- Lay them face down on your thigh
- 5 back blows
- Lay them face up along your thigh
- 5 abdominal thrusts (2 fingers along armpit line in middle of chest)
- Repeat until removed and call emergency services if necessary
What to do if an adult is choking?
- Encourage them to cough
- 5 back blows with them leaning forward
- 5 abdominal thrusts
- Repeat until removed and call emergency services if necessary
What to do if someone is unconcious?
Assess the situation
- Danger, responsive, airways, breathing, circulation
- Talk to them, move them if safe, pinch earlobes
- Use AVPU scale (alert, voice, pain, unresponsive)
- Listen for breath and see if chest is falling and rising
- Open airway (tilt head back)
Call for emergency services
Start CPR
What to do if someone is having a seizure?
- Move obstructions to ensure they are safe
- Hold head to allow cushioning
- Give privacy (blanket, people leave etc)
- Call 999
What to do if someone is wounded and bleeding?
- Wear gloves
- Remove clothing that is obstructing
- Check for any objects in wound but don’t remove them
- Apply direct pressure either side of wound
- Lift legs above heart (legs aren’t injured) (increased circulation)
- Apply dressing tight but keeping circulation
- If enough bleeding, add second bandage and remove this if it gets soaked through but never the original base bandage
How to administer CPR?
- Call 999
- 5 rescue breaths before chest compressions
- 30 compressions to 2 rescue breaths (100-120bpm) until help arrives with AED
- If alone, 1 minute CPR then call for help
What to do if someone is suffering from shock?
- Assess the cause of shock
- Lie them down and raise legs if uninjured
- Remove tight clothing if they are obstructing or uncomfortable
- Apply blanket if cold
- Monitor level of response and be ready to complete CPR
- Call emergency services if necessary
How to give first aid to minor injuries like cuts and grazes or minor burns/scalds?
Cuts and grazes
- Apply pressure and lift wound
- Clean and dry issue wearing gloves
- Apply sterile dressing
Burns and scalds
- Assess type of burn
- Put under cool water
- Wrap with cling film
- If burn covers more than 5% of body, seek medical attention
Employers are required by law to maintain a first aid book, it helps to:
- Trends
- Ways to improve H+S risks
- Problems with needs assessments
For insurance and investigation purposes
What should be logged in a first aid log?
- Date, time, place of incident
- Name of the person
- Person details of the injury
- What first aid was given
- What happened to the person immediately afterwards (home, hospital)
- Name and signature of the person dealing with the incident