LO2-understand what is meant by a person-centred approach to care Flashcards
2.1 Person-centred approach (3)
~ A BALANCE between what is important to and for a person
~ ENHANCING voice, choice and control
~ CLARIFICATION of roles and responsibilities
2.2 Principles of a person-centred approach and how they support person-centred care (3)
~ Independence and rights
~ co-production, choice and control
~ inclusive and codependent communities
2.3 Current context of the person-centred approach (2)
~ the policy landscape
-personal budgets
~ role of the person-centred approach in achieving good practice in the delivery of care services
2.4 Historic overview
~ institutional history of public services
1800’s-more asylums made
1940/50’s-residential care homes
1990’s-direct payments made a thing
2000’s-last remaining institutions closed
~disability’s right movement helped to make person-centred approach a thing
2.5 Challenges to adopting person-centred approach (8)
~ resistance to change
~ institutional history of public services (still think doc nows best)
~ institutions promoting a medical model of disability (focus on curing)
~ lack of staff training
~ communication barriers
~ respecting choice when alternatives may promote better health or wellbeing
~ focusing on deficits rather than capacities
~ lack of clarity over roles and responsibilities
2.6 Methods for overcoming challenges (5)
~ values-based recruitment ~ staff training ~ regular review of support provided ~ recognising when provision is not person-centred and taking action to rectify ~modelling good behaviour