LO1: understand protocols to be followed when working in business Flashcards
1.1 authority protocols
what are authority protocols?
provides a framework for employees to follow.
authority in the workplace:
- decision making:
- authorisation:
reasons for authority protocols:
- for a manager to delegate tasks to a subordinate.
- lower risks of fraud.
1.2 confidentiality protocols
what are condfidentiality protocols?
- only those who need to see specific information can have access
- using blind copy (bcc) line in emails so external recipents emails are not exposed
- requiring employees to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
- ensuring job descriptions include that disclosing confiedntail info is gross misconduct
storage of data and documentation:
- manual storage: use of secured filing cabinets and ensuring that doucuments are not removed from premises.
- electronic storage: stored securely by password protecting computers
implications of breaching confidentiality:
- gross misconduct: unlikely to recideve reference for the future.
- risk of idenitiy theft and loss of trust on the business.
- competitor may see the info/plans and use for their own use.
when may confidenitality be breached?
embezzlement: to access emails and documents if there are suspiscions of staff doing fraud.
1.3 constraints on document content
what are voluntary constraints?
- organisational: businesses may have specific to keep consistency
- ethics: may have guidelines relating to stereotypes, whistle-blowing policy or privacy
- codes of practice: some job roles and business have a set of codes to be followed
what is copyright?
businesses must ensure that relevant permissions are granted to avoid accusations of plagriasm.
what is data protection?
all personal info should be tightly secured and only added when necessary.
what is consumer protection?
comes from unfair trading regulation.
what are equal oppurtunities?
protects individuals from discrimination
1.4 checking protocols
what are checking of documents?
documents should always be checked for errors and misinterpretaions which may be carried out by:
- more senior employees
- specialists
- a proof reader
- external communications company
1.4 checking protocols
what are checking of arrangements?
when arrangements are made, important to ensure that all staff have recieved all details and are accurate
1.4 checking protocols
implications of poor checking:
- if travel arrangements have been provided incorrectly then then a flight/train could be missed as well as business opportunities
- repuation and professionalism of the business will be questioned