LO1 Flashcards
What is abuse
Working together to safeguard children defines it as:
“A form of maltreatment of a child. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, or failing to act to prevent harm be abused in a family or in an institution or community setting by those to them or, more rarely, by others. They may be abused by an adult or adults or another child or children”
Actions on elder abuse
“ a single or repeated act or lack it appropriate actions occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to an older person”
Types of abuse: physical
- Form of abuse which involves hitting, shaking, throwing, poising, burning or scalding, drowning, suffocating or otherwise causing physical harm, misuse of medication, restraints or in appropriate physical sanctions
to an child. - Physical harm may also be caused when a parent or carer fabricates the symptoms of deliberately indicates, illness, illness as a child’
types of abuse: sexual
- involves forcing or enticing a child or a young person to take part in sexual activities. and could involve high level of violence.
- the activities may involve physical contact including assault by penetration i.e rape or oral sex or non - penetration i.e. kissing, rubbing and touching outside of clothing.
- there maybe other non-contact activtes such as the producing of sexual images, encouraging children to act in sexually innaporpaite ways
- sexual abuse of adults include ‘rape and sexual assault or sexual act to which the adult has not consented or was pressured into consenting.
Type of abuse: emotional / psychological
- the recurring mistreatment of a child i.e. causing a sever and persistent effects on the Childs emotional development. for example, conveying to the child that they are worthless or unloved or is valued as far as it only meets there needs. deliberately making fun of them and silencing them.
- emotional / psychological abuse includes ‘threats of harm and abatement, deprivation of contract, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, verbal abuse.
types of abuse: Neglect
- the failure to met a child’s basic needs physiclogiclly / psychological needs this can result as a serious impairment of the child’s development’ it may involve failure to provide enough food, clothing and shelter.
- protects a child from physical and emotional harm / danger, ensure adequate supervision or ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment.
- Negelct of adults “ignoring medical / physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, care and support or educational services, the withholding of the necessities of life , i.e. meds. adequate nutrition and heating.
type of abuse: Financial
- form of abuse that includes, ‘ theft, fraud, exploration, coercion in relation to an adults financial affairs or arrangement, including in connection with wills, property, inheritance or financial transaction, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions and benefits.
types of abuse: Instiutional
a form of absue that includes; neglect and poor care practice within an institution or specific care setting like a hospital or a care home for example, the range from isolated incident to continuing ill-treatment
Types of abuse: Bulling
- behaviour that is repeated, intended to hurt someone and often aimed at certain group, e.g. because of race, gender or sexual orientation.
- it can include physical assault, teasing, name calling, making threats and cyberbullying - bulling via mobile phone or online
Types of abuse: Discrimination
- something that underline many forms of abuse and includes treating a person less favourably on.
- for example, grounds of race, gender and gender identity, disability, sexual orientation, religion and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment.
Type of abuse: Exploration / mate crime
form of abuse that occurs “either opportunistically or premeditate:” it involves ‘unfairly manipulating someone for profit or personal gain’ often when the abuser pretends to be their friend
signs and symptoms of abuse: physical
signs to recognise:
- unexplained injuries that are the shape of the object
- finger marks, bruises, black eyes fractures, breaks, cuts, scare, scratches, bite or slap marks, burns and weight loss
symptoms to recognise:
- individual becoming anxious or fearful in particular in the presence of abuser:
- withdrawn, less confident, reluctant to undress infront of others
Signs and symptoms of abuse: sexual abuse
- bruises, scratches, soreness, or bleeding around genitals and rectal area, incontinence, pregnancy, blood on clothing.
- individual becoming withdrawn
- anxious
- frustrated
- agressive + display inappropriate uninhibited sexual behaviour
- reluctant to undress
signs and symptoms: emotional / psychological abuse
- avoiding making eye contact
- being fearful and anxious
- self - harming
- the individual telling you that they are not worthy and not able
- individual display changes in eating and sleeping
- low self-esteem
- becoming withdrawn from people and situations
- having mood swings
signs and symptoms: Neglect
- poor standards of care by others that do not meet the individual’s needs;
- poor personal hygiene,
- malnutrition
- dehydration
- self-neglect can include unexplained injuries to arms, face and body including bruises, scratches and cuts
- individual becoming more anxious, depressed, suicidal thoughts, withdrawn, losing interest in themselves and their values in life.
signs and symptoms: Financial / material abuse
- unexplained lack of money or wish to spend money.
- sudden debts and unpaid bills, possessions disappearing, sudden changing of the individual will, ensuring powder of attorney obtained when individual is unable to consent
- individual’s becoming anxious over money and increasingly talking about inability to make payment and buy items
signs and symptoms: Institutional abuse
- poor working practice and low standard of care and support, not enough staffing, withholding as well as lack of access to care, support, activities and visitors, failure to uphold individual’s rights to choice, privacy and dignity.
- individual becoming withdrawn, passive, frustrated, feeling isolated, social withdrawal, losing interest in themselves and others.
signs and symptoms: Bullying
- unexplained physical injuries, asking for stealing money to give to a bully, self-harming that can include bruises, scratches and cuts
- individuals becoming fearful of going out and carrying out day-to-day activities, anxious, withdrawn, low self-esteem, changes in eating and sleeping, suicidal thoughts.
signs and symptoms: Discrimination
- failure to respect and individual’s needs, exclusion from activities or services, a cold or intolerant attitude towards the individual.
- individuals becoming withdrawn from people and situations, anxious, withdrawn low self-esteem, frustrated
signs and symptoms: exploration / mate crime
- unexplained physical injuries, bills not being payed losing weight
individuals becoming withdrawn from people and situations, low self-esteem, mood swing, changes in friends.