lo1 Flashcards
what is a statutory service?
a statutory service is a service provided by the local authority as laid down by legislation/ law.
what is aspiration?
an aspiration is a strong desire to achieve something.
what is the meaning or proactive?
the meaning of proactive is when a person creates or controls a situation by causing something to happen rather than responding to it after it has happened.
what is a personal budget?
a personal budget is the amount of money an individual is awarded by the local authority to spend on the help they need to achieve what is more important to them.
what is a support plan?
a support plan is the document where day-to-day requirements and preferences for care and support are detailed to enable the individual to live with dignity and respect in the community. it may be known as other names e.g. care plan or an individual plan.
what are social care outcomes?
social care outcomes are the result of receiving social care that is desired by the individual e.g. living independently, finding employment.
what are means-tested payments?
means-tested payments are payments based on an individual’s financial circumstances to determine whether an individual is eligible or has the right to claim assistance.
what is the local authority?
the local authority is the governing body of a county or district officially responsible for all public services and facilities in that area.
what is an authorised or nominated person?
an authorised or nominated person is someone who acts on behalf of an individual to allocate their direct payment, with local authority agreement.
what does eligible mean?
eligible means to fit the criteria for, be suitable for or be entitled to something.
what is mental capacity?
mental capacity is being able to make a reasoned decision by understanding information, remembering it for long enough to make a decision and communicating this to others.
what does empower mean?
empower means to give someone the authority or control to do something; the way a health, social care worker encourages an individual to make decisions and to take control of their own life.
what is the meaning of autonomy?
autonomy is to self-rule, independence or freedom to do as an individual wishes.
what are preventative measures?
preventative measures are where it is using methods to stop or prevent something, e.g. providing a jar- opening device for an individual to allow them to open jars safely and prevent injury.
what are home adaptions?
home adaptions are changes to the home to make it safer for the individual to live independently, e.g. a stair lift to enable an individual to go upstairs in their home, making it accessible.
what is a needs assessment?
a needs assessment is the overall process for identifying and recording the health and social care risks and needs of an individual and evaluating their impact on daily living and quality of life so that appropriate action can be planned.
what are universal services?
universal services are services that are available to everyone, such as transport and housing.
what is the meaning of service led?
service led means that it is a provision that is where an individual has to fit into existing traditional services such as day centres.
what is a centre for independent living?
a centre for independent living are centres that promote the principles of independent living and provide services for individuals who use direct payments.
what is self esteem?
self esteem is the value an individual gives themselves.
what is the meaning of degenerative condition?
degenerative condition is the medical problems that worsen over time.
what is a monitor?
a monitor is the sector for health services in England. monitor’s job is to make the health sector work better for patients.
what are clinical commissioning groups (CCGs)?
these are most of the NHS commissioning budget is now managed by 209 CCGs. these are groups of general practices that come together in each area to commission, deliver and regulate health and care services.
what is healthwatch england?
health watch england is the national consumer champion in health and care, with statutory powers to ensure the voice of the consumer is heard by those who commission, deliver and regulate health.
what is the care quality commission (CQC)?
the care quality commission is an independent regulator of health and social care in england. they monitor, inspect and regulate services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety.