LM01- Internatoinal relations Flashcards
Kaplan’s statement about IR
IR is important because geography of the world leads to countries fighting over oceans and bordering seas mostly.
Location= power & protection
Stephen Walts looked into what
Theory and policy relationship in IR which is that they generally do not coincide much
Policy relevance
how relevant policy is to the current global situations
education as a whole
policy evaluation
seeing how well the policy works once it’s in place
predicting how IR theories will work when put into place
IR theories account for social scientists trying to explain…
interstate/ trans-interstate processes, issues, and outcomes in general terms
IR theories are…
broad and can be applied to many situations
General IR theory variables
distribution of power volume of trade financial flaws interstate communications degree of institution within a state
Other theories emphasize national characteristics such as
regime type
bureaucratic and organizational politics
domestic co-lesion
content of particular doctrins
Individual IR (another body of theory) focuses on
individual/group psychology
gener differences
human traits
4th body of theory includes…
collective ideas
collective identities
social discourse
4 Social Science Methods
Comparative case study
formal theory
large N statistical analisys
hermeneutical/ interpretivist approach
Good Theory is described as
consistent, empirically valid
4 tokens of a good theory are
- logical explanation consistent with evidence
- complete- doesn’t leave anything to question
- explanatory power- ability to account for phenomena that would otherwise seem mystifying
- explains important phenomena- something that is likely to affect the fates of many peoples